IV Young Social Scientist Annual Cycle

October 16th, 2008, 17:00, CES Seminar Roon
Catarina Tomás, (IESF and LIBEC/University of Minho) 

Childhood, Rights and Participation: dialogue between children from Portugal and Brazil

Abstract: Parting from a research developed on Portuguese and Brazilian children, in school context, this presentation aims to introduce children’s discourses on their rights, the representations they hold on themselves, on other children and on the world regarding the theoretical framework on Sociology of Childhood. Dealing with the consideration of children as social actors and converting their experiences in presences, combating, in such manner, a perspective of childhood that remains dislocated, defocused and marginalized. From this point of view the focus shall be centred on the issues of childhood participation, namely on the struggle for the defence of children’s rights in the context of globalization: child cosmopolitanism

Biographic notes:
Holds a Degree in Sociology (University of Beira Interior), Masters in Sociology of Development and Social Transformation (University of Coimbra) and a Doctorate Degree in Children’s Studies, knowledge area of Sociology of Childhood (University of Minho). Presently she is a Professor at the Institute for Superior Studies of Fafe and researcher at the Research Centre for the Promotion of Literacy and Well-being of Children (LIBEC), University of Minho.