Formal Access to Political Spaces: Immigrant Participation in Local Government elections

May 21st, 2009, CES Seminar Room

Within the project "Formal access to local political spaces in the local context: immigrant voters and elected in Portuguese municipalities and parishes"


Workshop objectives

The main aim of the meeting is to take balance of the research developed within the extent of the project, namely, the results produced up till the present moment, including the theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions of researchers and advisors regarding different thematics related to political participation of immigrants in Portugal. Also pursued is the assessment of the possible impacts as what pertains to decision in participating in an active and passive form, political decisions in the context of Portuguese municipalities and parishes, as well as to proceedings in the associativism field concerning the process of formal political participation of immigrants.

For further information, please contact:

Carlos Elias Barbosa
Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra
Colégio de São Jerónimo, Apartado 3087, 3001-401, Coimbra
Tel. 239 855 570
Fax. 239 855 589

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