Conference Within the Doctoral Programme “Governance, Knowledge and Innovation” This conference takes place within the Doctoral Programme on Governance Knowledge and Innovation, School of Economics, University of Coimbra and the Centre for Social Studies, which presently opens applications for its 3rd edition, to begin next September. Bresser-Pereira is one of the most acknowledged Brazilian economists. Professor Emeritus of the Gertúlio Vargas Foundation, teaches regularly at the École d’Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, has a column in Folha de S. Paulo and is member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration. In 1987 was Minister of Finance of the José Sarney government. During Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s first term was Minister for Federal Administration and State Reform, and during his second term was Minister for Science and Technology. His State and Administration Reform, of 1995, is currently internationally acknowledged as a work of reference. As social scientist, his work is a milestone of confluence between economics and social theory. Interested in methodology of economics, is committed to political theory and the theory of transitions towards democracy, studies economics, society, State and professional groups in Brazil, as well as economic and political strategies. The discussion of theories of development and growth and of inflation, as well as his thesis on the tendency of super appreciation of exchange rates in developing countries, are central to the economic debate. Among his books we call attention to: Desenvolvimento e Crise no Brasil (1968, 2003), As Revoluções Utópicas dos Anos 60 (1972), Estado e Subdesenvolvimento Industrializado (1977), O Colapso de uma Aliança de Classes (1978), A Sociedade Estatal e a Tecnoburocracia (1980), Inflação e Recessão, with Yoshiaki Nakano (1984), Lucro, Acumulação e Crise (1986), A Crise do Estado (1992), Economic Reforms in New Democracies, with Adam Przeworski and José María Maravall, (1993), Economic Crisis and State Reform in Brazil (1996), Reforma do Estado para a Cidadania (1998), Democracy and Public Management Reform: Building the Republican State (2004), Macroeconomia da Estagnação (2007). His website ( gathers the most relevant curricular information, including bibliography. |