Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Repression and Political Memory

April 20th and 21st, 2009, 10:00, CES Seminar Room

The Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and the Amnesty Commission of the Ministry of Justice of the Federative Republic of Brazil will promote the Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Repression and Political Memory, to be held on April 20-21, 2009 at the Center for Social Studies, Conference Room (Second Floor), in Coimbra.

The aim of the Seminar is to advance a dialogue on the initiatives of political memory preservation in both countries, which have experienced long repressive governments in the recent past. There will be presentations on public policies and social practices related to the history of the repression and the transitional pedagogical processes that can allow society to transform the experience of restriction of public freedoms and imposition of force into a reflexive learning on the importance of maintaining and enhancing democracy.

The Seminar, which intends to gather students, researchers and others interested in the topic, will include the participation of Tarso Genro, Brazilian Minister of Justice, and Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Director of the Center for Social Studies and the 25 April Documentation Center.


* All lectures will be in the Portuguese language

20th april

10h00 – 12h00 | Opening Session: Political Memory and Democratic Transitions in Brazil and Portugal
Moderator: José Manuel Mendes, Center for Social Studies

Tarso Genro, Brazilian Minister of Justice

Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Director of the Center for Social Studies and of the 25 April Documentation Center

12h00 – 14h00 | Lunch

14h00 – 16h00 | Documentation and Education Projects
Moderator: Tatiana Tannus Grama, Brazilian Amnesty Commission

“The Experience of the 25 April Documentation Center”
Maria Natércia Coimbra, Coordinating Librarian of the 25 April Documentation Center

“Public Policies for Memory and Social Learning: The experience of the educative project and the political amnesty memorial in Brazil”
Flávia Carlet and Marcelo Torelly, Brazilian Amnesty Commission

16h00 – 16h30 | Coffee Break

16h30 – 18h30 | Democracy in Post-authoritarian Regimes
Moderator: Paula Meneses, Center for Social Studies

“Transitional Justice as Recognition: limits and possibilities of the Brazilian process”
Roberta Baggio, Brazilian Amnesty Commission Member and Professor at the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul state.

“Truth Commissions and the Issue of Recognition: reflections on the cases of Peru and Guatemala”
Silvia Maeso, Center for Social Studies

Commentator: Sueli Aparecida Bellato, Vice-President of the Brazilian Amnesty Commission

21st april

9h00 – 11h00 | History, Oblivion and Political Processes
Moderator: Roberta Alvarenga, Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Amnesty Commission

“The Angel of History and the Victims’ Memory: the case of the military dictatorship in Brazil”
José Carlos Moreira da Silva Filho, Brazilian Amnesty Commission Member and Professor at the UNISINOS Post-Graduate Law Program

“The Children of the Colonial War: post-memory and representations
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, Center for Social Studies

Comentator: António Sousa Ribeiro, Center for Social Studies

11h00 – 11h30 | Coffee Break

11h30 – 13:30 | Closing: Human Rights and Political Transition

Cecília MacDowell Santos, Center for Social Studies and University of San Francisco (USA)

Paulo Abrão Pires Junior, President of the Brazilian Amnesty Commission

Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Director of the Center for Social Studies and of the 25 April Documentation Center.

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