The notion of secularization and its theoretical and empirical limits. Considerations on the Spanish case.
Alfonso Pérez-Agote (Complutense University of Madrid)
José Antonio Santiago (Complutense University of Madrid)
Commentary: José Manuel Mendes (CES/FEUC)
March 27th, 2009, 17:00, CES Seminar Room
Within the Studies on Democracy, Multicultural Citizenship and Participation Research Group, and the Doctoral Programme “Democracy in the 21st Century”
Within the cycle “Tuesday Seminar” organized by NEDCMP, on March 27th will take place - exceptionally and due to lecturer’s agenda impediments, on a Friday – the seminar intituled The notion of secularization and its theoretical and empirical limits. Considerations on the Spanish case.
This theme will be presented by Alfonso Pérez-Agote and José Antonio Santiago, both professors at the Complutense University of Madrid. These scholars have developed, jointly, several research projects centred on the processes of secularization in European contexts of catholic tradition.
Therefore, this seminar intends to broaden the discussion regarding the meaning of secular – one of the strategic areas of scientific research of the research group – intertwining theoretical reflection with a solid empirical analysis. Alfonso Pérez-Agote’s presentation will focus on the validity of the theory of secularization setting forth from its historical-geographic-social limits; on the other hand José Antonio Santiago’s presentation will approach the influence of religion in other fields of daily life.
Biographic notes
Alfonso Pérez-Agote
Full Professor of Sociology at the School of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid. His fields of interest and research are sociological theory, sociology of collective identity, and sociology of religion. During the last years he has worked intensively the process of secularization in Spanish and European countries of catholic tradition. He has coordinated several research projects among which we stress: “Glocalidad e inmigración transnacional. Las relaciones sociales entre grupos étnicos en el espacio metropolitano” (Ministry of Science and Technology: 2003:2006); “La secularizacióm de la vida en España” /Centre for Sociological Research: 2004:-2006); “La cultura religiosa en Europa y en España. Modernización y secularización en una perspectiva comparada” (BBVA Foundation: 2005-2007) and “La religión frente a los desafios de la modernidade avanzada en los países de Europa occidental de tradición católica. Una investigación comparada entre Bélgica, España, Francia, Italia y Portugal” (Ministry of Education and Science: 2008-2011).
Amongst his numerous works published we call attention to:
2008 Religión y política en la sociedad actual, (Madrid: Centre for Sociological Research - Editorial Complutense, with José Antonio Santiago).
2007 “El proceso de secularización en la sociedad española”, Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, nº 77.
2006 The Social Roots of Basque Nationalism (Reno: The University of Nevada Press)
2005 La situación de la religión en España a principios del siglo XXI (Madrid: Centre for Sociological Research - Editorial Complutense, with José Antonio Santiago).
2003 “Sociología histórica del nacional-catolicismo español”, Historia contemporánea, nº 26.
2001 “La crise de la société homogène” in Wieviorka & Ohana (eds.) La différence culturelle: Une reformulation des débats (Paris: Balland).
1996 Complejidad y teoría social (Madrid: Centre for Sociological Research, with Ignacio Sánchez de la Yncera).
1993 “Las paradojas de la nación”, Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas, nº 61.
José Antonio Santiago
Associate Professor of Sociology at the School of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid. His fields of interest and research are sociology of religion, sociological theory and sociology of nationalism. Member of the research groups GERICR (Groupe européen de Recherche Interdiciplinaire sur le Changement Religieux) and GRESCO (Grupo de Estudios Socioculturales Contemporáneo). Presently he is part of the research team of the project « La religión frente a los desafíos de la modernidad avanzada en los países de Europa occidental de tradición católica. Una investigación comparada entre Bélgica, España, Francia, Italia y Portugal” (Ministry of Education and Science: 2008-2011). In partnership with Alfonso Pérez-Agote is co-author of La situación de la religión en España a principios de siglo XXI (CIS, 2005) and co-editor of Religión y política en la sociedad actual (UCM-CIS, 2008).
Amongst his numerous works published we call attention to:
(in print) “From ‘civil religion’ to nationalism as the religion of modern times: rethinking a complex relationship”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
2005 “La ‘ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo’ como marco analítico para el estudio de la génesis y desarrollo del nacionalismo” in J. Rodríguez (ed.), En el centenario de La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo (Madrid: Centre for Sociological Research).
2002 “La nation sacrée. Les manifestations contemporaines du sacré á la lumière des classiques”, Esprit Critique. Revue électronique de sociologie, Vol. 4, nº 9.
2002 “El proceso de secularización. Apuntes sobre el cambio histórico de la religión a la ciencia”, Revista Internacional de Sociología, nº 31.
2001 “Las fronteras (étnicas) de la nación y los tropos del nacionalismo”, Política y Sociedad, nº 6.
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