Citizenship and Social Policies Research Group Seminar
The present economic crisis and solidarity economy alternatives

Euclides Mance

March 26th, 2009, 14:30, School of Economics Auditorium, University of Coimbra

A joint initiative, ECOSOL Group/CES, Cooperativa Mó da Vida and Rede Espaço por um Comércio Justo

This seminar, fostered by several Solidarity Economy organizations, has for aim to promote the work of Professor Euclides Mance, namely his last book, and to arouse a broadened debate on Solidarity Economy and its relation to the crisis of capitalism.

Biographic Note
Euclides André Mance is Philosopher and founder of the Institute of Philosophy of Liberation (Curitiba, Brazil). Mance lectured Philosophy of Science and Philosophy in Latin America, at the Federal University of Paraná, during the 1990’s. Held office as advisor in UNESCO and FAO projects related to sustainable development. Created and maintains the Portal Solidarius. His philosophical and economical work on collaborative networks in the field of solidarity economy has been translated into several languages, with articles and books available at

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