Towards a rhizomatic thought: Future/Flux

Daniel Lins

March 12th, 2009, 17:00, CES Seminar Room

Within the grant A month at CES

This seminar deals with, in a first moment, a cartography of the rhizome as difference, singularity and flux, as what pertains to arborescent, molar, and identitarian thought. A second moment will focus on outlining the idea of future, almost nihilist negativity, opposing it to the concept of flux as positivity and openness to joy and nomad multiplicities.

Biographic Note
Daniel Soares Lins holds a doctoral degree in Sociology at Université de Paris VII – Université Denis Diderot, U.P. VII, 1990, with the dissertation “Imaginary of order and violence – case study: Lampião and the cangaço*”. Soares Lins is Associate Professor at the Department of Education of the Federal University of Ceará. His project at CES during this period foresees carrying out two seminars, temporarily intituled “Towards a Sociology of Flux and Difference” and “Rethinking the United States of America: towards a Sociology of Superpower”. The dates, to be set in good time, shall be announced briefly.

* cangaço: name given to a form of social banditry in Brazil.

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