Exhibition Opening and Book Release
Atmosfera de um Lugar

February 21st, 17:00, Fnac-Fórum Coimbra

Exhibition Presentation and Book Release with the participation of:

Pedro Medeiros, Photographer;
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Centre for Social Studies Director;
Paulo Peixoto, Centre for Social Studies Executive Director;
António Olaio, Artist, Centre for Social Studies Researcher;
Francisco Marta, Graphic Designer/Duplo Network.

Within the commemorations of the 30th Anniversary of the Centre for Social Studies 1978|2008 [Associate Laboratory, School of Economics, University of Coimbra].

Presentation notes

(…) Balance? I would dare to think that the Centre for Social Studies is more interested in the future of this past than the past of this future. CES’s home has always been the future, that is to say, CES is mostly where it is yet not. (…)
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, “Trinta Anos de Futuro”.

(…) Whilst facing the challenge of photographing the Centre for Social Studies, Pedro Medeiros responds with a series of images that, at first glance, seem to approach a documental register, especially if we try to contextualize them in his trajectory as a photographer. (…)
(…) Sharp and with excellent light conditions, in these photos there are no dim places, but, whenever a window appears, the exterior reveals a much more intense luminosity, as if saying the exterior is the reason of existence of such a place. (…)
António Olaio, “O Saber Ocupa Lugar”.

Sponsors/Organization: Centre for Social Studies; FNAC Forúm Coimbra.

Acknowledgements: Duplo Network; Laboratório Impressões & Soluções.