Debates on Psychiatric Deinstitutionalization
February 10th and 11th, 2009, CES Seminar Room
February 10th - 17:00
Projection of the film "Estamira" by Marcos Prado (2004)
Commentary: Breno Fontes (sociologist, NUCEM/UFPE; Brazi) and Pio de Abreu (Psychiatrist; Portugal)
ESTAMIRA tells the story of a 63 year old woman that suffers from mental disorders that lives and works for over 20 years at the Jardim Gramcho Landfill, a place denied by society that receives, on a daily basis, over 6 thousand tons of waste produced in Rio de Janeiro. With an eloquent, philosophical and poetic discourse, the central character of the documentary raises, in an intimate way, issues of global interest such as the destination of the waste produced by the inhabitants of a metropolis and the subterfuges that the mind encounters in order to overcome an unbearable reality.
February 10th - 15:00
Seminar "Mental Health Reforms in Portugal and Brazil"
Lecturers: Paulo Tavares (Psychiatrist, Ulysses Pernambucano Hospital and NUCEM/UFPE Researcher, Brazil) and Álvaro de Carvalho (Psychiatrist and Adviser to the Executive Council for Mental Health, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo Health District; Portugal)
Moderation and commentaries: José Morgado Pereira (Psychiatrist, Sobral Cid Hospital) and Pedro Hespanha (Sociologist, CES/FEUC) |