Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics of Decolonization: Perspectives from the Caribbean and the Latina/o Americas
Nelson Maldonado-Torres

25 de Novembro de 2008, 15.00h, Sala de Seminários, CES, 2º piso


Programa de Doutoramento "Democracia no Século XXI"
Programa de Doutoramento "Pós-Colonialismos e Cidadania Global"

The Global South is usually conceived as an sterile region, always trying to catch up to the North, and never able to produce it's own thought. The South is said to have culture, politics, and religion, but no thinking, morality, or philosophy. However, generations of intellectuals from the South defy this idea and offer an alternative point of departure for thinking and the labor of critique. Some of them also propose the idea of an unfinished project of decolonization, with different shapes and contours than the project of the Enlightenment and of postmodern fascinations with the death of the subject and related themes. We will focus on the works of Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Chela Sandoval in order to explore an epistemology, ethics, and politics of decolonization that counteracts the force of the coloniality of power, knowledge, and being in Western modernity, and offers new vistas that cannot be encapsulated within modernity/coloniality or reactionary responses to it.

Nota biográfica

Professor de Estudos Étnicos da Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley. Especializou-se em fenomenologia, teoria crítica, estudos pós-coloniais e pensamento religioso moderno. Entre as suas publicações, contam-se: "Postimperial Reflections on Crisis, Knowledge, and Utopia: Transgresstopic Critical Hermeneutics and the 'Death of European Man'" (Review, 2000, 25(3); "The Cry of the Self as a Call from the Other: The Paradoxical Loving Subjectivity of Frantz Fanon" (Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, Winter 2001); Latino/as in the World-System: Decolonization Struggles in the 21st Century U.S. Empire (Paradigm, 2005, em colaboração com Ramon Grosfoguel and José David Saldívar).