Conference Cycle
Labour is[n’t] a commodity

Organization: Labour and Trade Unionism Research Group (CES) Master and Doctoral Programme in «Labour Relations, social Inequalities and Trade Unionism» (CES/FEUC)

Following and deepening a research and civic concern  line related to labour and labour relations themes, CES will carry out in 2008/2009 a conference cycle related to these fields and approaching them under multiple points of view.

Using of the first article of the Philadelphia Declaration, placed under an interrogative sense, for the title of the conference cycle, assumes a special significance in a temporal space in which the projection of impacts and causes (and necessary analysis) of the present “financial crisis” constitutes an enormous challenge, also in what pertains to the field of social sciences.

The conference cycle “Labour is[n’t] a commodity” shall begin on October 30th, with the conference “Labour and Trade Unionism: Issues”, held by Professor Manuel Carvalho da Silva, his first public participation, whilst CES researcher. 

Venue: School of Economics auditorium, University of Coimbra

October 30th, 2008

Manuel Carvalho da Silva
"Labour and Trade Unionism: Issues"

November 12th, 2008
Ricardo Antunes and Cláudia Nogueira
"Labour and Inequalities in Brazil and Around the World"

March 26th, 2009
Ilona Kóvacs
"Labour, Fragmentations and precariousness"

May 14th, 2009
Klaus Doerre
Reinhard Naumann
"Economy and Society: individualism at stake"

July 11th, 2009
Manuel Castells
Vasco Cal
"The Social and the Economic in the European Union – a Prospective Critique"