Seminars of Architecture XX21
Debates on (other) moderns

June 21th, 2010



The seminar “Debates on (other) moderns” fits into a wider project that studies 20th century Portuguese architecture based on contemporaneity, called “20th Century Today: Architecture Studies on Portuguese Built Spaces”, developed by the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group at Centre for Social Studies (CES) of University of Coimbra. This seminar compares, on one hand, modern paradigms and their revision and, on the other hand, central figures of international discussion and more peripheral contributions. This duality between “centre” and “periphery” allows us to explore the 20th Century complexity, composed of different subjects. Some of these debates will be approached in the two sessions which make up the seminar: “Research” and “Team 10 Revisited”. The first session presents some results of ongoing researches on the relationship between Modernity and Vernacular, the “Promenade Architecturale” and the Modern Architectural Education. The second session presents the consolidated studies by Team 10 main figures: Jorge Figueira on Pancho Guedes, Tom Avermaete on Candilis, Josic & Woods and Dirk van den Heuvel on the Smithson.

Location: Department of Architecture of Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University of Coimbra (FCTUC)

Department of Architecture of FCTUC
Architecture and Urbanism Research Group at Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra
Project 20th Century: Today

Coordinator: José António Bandeirinha

> Online Registration
The registration includes a certificate of participation, summary folder and coffee break
The participation in the seminar grants credits for Optional Training (Architects’ Association)


SESSION 1 | Research
14:30 _ Opening
José António Bandeirinha (DARQ-UC / CES)

14:40 _ CIAM Portugal’s “Habitat Rural” Grid: Dialogues Between Vernacular and Modernity
Nelson Mota (DARQ-UC / TU Delft)

15:00 _ Le Corbusier and the Promenade Architecturale: the House as a Mediating Machine
Armando Rabaça (DARQ-UC)

15:20 _ Towards a Modern Architectural Education
Gonçalo Canto Moniz (DARQ-UC / CES)

15:40 _ Discussion
Tom Avermaete | José António Bandeirinha | Dirk van den Heuvel | Mário Krüger

16:15 _ Coffee Break

SESSION 2 | TEAM 10 Revisited
16:30 _ Pancho Guedes: From Team 10 and Beyond
Jorge Figueira (DARQ-UC / CES)

17:15 _ Acculturating the Modern: Travelling Concepts and Approaches in the Work of Candilis-Josic-Woods
Tom Avermaete (TU Delft)

18:00 _ Another Sensibility - Context Thinking in the Work of Alison and Peter Smithson
Dirk van den Heuvel (TU Delft)

18:45 _ Discussion and Closing