Youth Cultures: Rethinking citizenship from the artistic experience

May 14th to 16th, 2010, Auditorium of the Higher Institute for Engineering of Coimbra

> Registration


This initiative aims to reflect on the relation between artistic education and citizenship. The formal educational system is presently hostage of a bureaucratic formalism that obliges the individual evaluation to be based almost exclusively on quantitative criteria. However, the individual training of citizens and young people in particular requires an appreciation of the individual development in which creativity plays a key role. This is why it becomes essential to re-consider the responsibility of artistic training as a competence of the structures of artistic creation and other civil society organizations.

The seminar counts on the participation of technicians, artists and scholars related to projects on artistic education for young people, who will present their contributions to the democratization of community life and the promotion of youth participation as citizens in contemporary societies. There will be examples of practices in these areas, bringing together several national and international institutions.

> Programme


Organisation: O Teatrão

Collaboration: Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra; Espaço T; Municipality of Amadora; If Magic Envents; Association for Education, Culture and Civic Values; Aed Ludens (Romania); Foundation for Assessment in Education (Romania), Associazione Marchigina Activitá Teatrali (Italy) and Social Cooperative L’ IMPREVISTO (Italy)

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