Territorial Heritage, sustainability and local development. Cooperation practices and methodologies in the South
Raffaele Paloscia, University of Florence
April 15th, 2010, 15:00, CES Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Coimbra
Within the Doctoral Programme “Democracy in the 21st Century”
Free Entrance
The paper consists of some points related to each other:
• Some elements, already well-known, of international context which include international cooperation activities of the working group at the University of Florence to which I belong
• The overview consists of some key theoretical concepts and a methodological and performative approach that are at the basis of the activity of the Escuela Territorialista, based in Florence and part of national and international networks.
• The broad outlines and articulations of multidisciplinary projects of decentralized international cooperation
• The specific features of self-sustaining transformation projects engaged by LabPSM (Laboratory for City and Territory of Countries of the South) through international cooperation interventions in Latin America, namely 3 countries (Cuba, Nicaragua and Brazil)
• Territorial Heritage and the Atlas, its main operational tool, understood as resources for local development. For instance La Habana and Leon
• Participatory projects in informal settlements. For instance Salvador da Bahia and its favelas
Biographic note
Raffaele Paloscia is Full Professor of Urbanism and teaches at the school of Architecture, University of Florence in pre-graduate and post-graduate courses. Presently is Guest Professor at the University of Granada. Director of the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning (2003-09). Coordinator of:
- International Activities at the School of Architecture;
- LabPSM (Laboratory for City and Territory of Countries of the South);
- INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action), located in Florence;
- Cultural Conventions with the Universities of UNAN Leon (Nicaragua); UAM Colima (Messico); Catolica Nordestana (Republica Dominicana); Jadavpur-Kolkata (India); Belgrado (Serbia); Granada (Espana); New Delhi (India).
- Technical evaluation group of the Ministry of the Environment for the tender La ciudad sustenible de los ninos y de las ninas (con G. Paba) ( 2001-05)
Expert in urbanism, territorial management and self-sustainable local development, namely in countries of the South, has coordinated several scientific research projects and international cooperation projects. During the course of the last 15 years has given conferences and published several books and essays on this subject in Italy and abroad.
Recommended Bibliography
Wolfgang Sachs, Tilman Santarius, Per un futuro equo, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2007
Mike Davis, Il pianeta degli slum, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2006
Alberto Magnaghi,
Il progetto locale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2000
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