Methodologies, theamtics and objectives of research in Architecture

Georges Teyssot, University of Laval, Quebec

March 8th, 2010, 15.00, CES Seminar Room, Coimbra

Organisation: Architecture and Urbanism Research Group, Centre for Social Studies


This seminar has for main aim to reflect on the relevance of thematics and research methodologies in Architecture, following the contribution of Professor Georges Teyssot to Theory of Architecture. Since the 1970’s, Georges Teyssot has come to develop several research projects, now published in Portuguese, privileging the relationship of Architecture with the Social Sciences and constantly opening new research fields.

During the session the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group’s planned projects will be presented:

  • • Re-educating and rehabilitating : body and heritage in the adaptation of the Hospital Rovisco Pais into Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, coordination Paulo Providência
  • • From Public to Mediatic: Repúblicas and Architecture of the Portuguese 20th Century, coordination José António Bandeirinha

Biographic note

Georges Teyssot is architect and professor of Theory and History of Architecture at the School of Architecture of the University of Laval, Quebec. He has taught at IUAV, Venice (Italy), at the School of Architecture of Princeton University, and at the Department of Architecture of ETH (Zurique). Along with Monique Moser published “The History of Garden Design” (2000), and “The American Lawn” (1999). His research include the domestic space and the interior (*Interior landscapes*, 1988), the threshold and the doorsill, the relations between architecture and sciences (2003), and the redefinition of the body in contemporary artistic practices. The Portuguese version of his texts is published by Edições and by e|d|arq, under the title, *Da Teoria de Arquitectura: doze ensaios* (2010), coordinated by Paulo Providência.

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