Social Inequalities in health. The Italian case

Mauro Serapioni, CES

February 23rd, 2010, 17:30, CES Seminar Room

Within the Citizenship and Social Policies Research Group


Despite the general increase of living standards during the 20th century and of the implementation of universal health care systems, many studies have shown the persistence of inequality in all industrialized countries. All health indicators such as life expectancy, the incidence of disease and self-perceived health status, are not distributed randomly among the population. There are significant differences among the various classes, educational levels and type of job, among ethnic groups, between men and women and also between different geographic areas. Inequalities in health represent, therefore, a great challenge. Unlike other European countries, in Italy the issue of health inequalities has not been priority in the agenda of social policies nor has not relied on a consolidated tradition of thought and research, at least until the first half of the 90’s. After a presentation of the different interpretative models of inequalities in health, the Italian situation will be analyzed and, afterwards, the unequal distribution of health and illness between natives and immigrants. Finally, two problematic aspects will be introduced which require special attention on the part of the main actors of the health care system as well as by the scientific and academic community. The first aspect concerns the role played by the health system in the generation of social inequalities in health and in this context will be identified the inequity potentials induced by the reform processes under way, at national and regional level. Another aspect to be considered is the need to develop a new model of research that recognizes the complexity of factors influencing the process that determines health and disease. Evidently the narratives stimulated by qualitative research would allow approaching fundamental aspects towards the comprehension of inequalities.

Biographic Note

Sociologist and Expert in Sociology of Health at the University of Bologna, Master in Management for Local Health Care Systems and Doctor in Sociology at the University of  de Barcelona. Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. Was advisor for UNICEF in1995; coordinator of the Specializing course in Local Health Care Systems Management at the Public Health School of Ceará from 1996 to 2001; visiting professor at the State University of Ceará from 2000 to 2006; hired professor at the University of Bologna during 2003; Advisor for OPAS/Ministry of Health of Brazil during 2004-2005. Has book chapters and articles published in Brazilian, Italian and French journals regarding citizen participation, social inequalities and health, evaluation in health, research methods.

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