NECTS Seminar Cycle 2010: Knowledge in Dialogue
Childbirth unattended by the authority of science: Between closing maternities wards and homebirth in Portugal

February 11th, 2010, 14:30 CES Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Coimbra


The proposed seminar cycle for the year 2010 attempts to bring together different actors and knowledge in the discussion of issues or themes that meet the NECTS research interests, namely in what concerns issues, currently in discussion, parting from the different projects carried out by the research group. This format intends to engage in a dynamic of interdisciplinary dialogues at various levels:

  • At a broader level because it assumes the distinct intention of articulating lay and expert approaches regarding a given issue or thematic;
  • At a inter-institutional relations level, because it intends to articulate different scientific perspectives developed in institutional contexts outside CES;
  • At an internal NECTS/CES level , because it intends to articulate the approaches developed by the different research groups as what concerns debate-generating issues;
  • In terms of the number of researchers mobilized by CES, since it aims to contemplate the dialogue between researchers, junior researchers, PhD. students, among others.
Coordination: Ana Raquel Matos, Pedro Araújo and Susana Costa


Tiago Santos Pereira - CES Researcher, co-coordinator of NECTS
Susana Costa - CES Researcher , co-coordinator of the event

Ângela Marques Filipe - CES Researcher

Positioning of guest speakers
Strecht Monteiro - Obstetrician, Hospital Centre of Mirandela
Filipa Leite - Childbirth Assistant, perinatal educator and coordinator of the Project BioBebés
Ana Matos - CES Researcher
Rita Correia - Director of HUMPAR
Isabel Sampaio - Nurses Association - Maternal Health and Obstetrics Nurse
Silvina Queiroz - Member of the Civic Movement “Nascer na Figueira”
Daniel Neves - CES Researcher, member of the project EPOKS
Isabel Margarida Mendes – Nurse, professor at the Higher School for Nursing of Coimbra
Pedro Lopes Ferreira – Researcher at the Centre for Studies and Research in Health of the University of Coimbra/FEUC


Guest panel and audience

Sílvia Portugal - CES Researcher
Maria José Hespanha - Coordinator of Integrated Continuous Care of the Centro Region

João Arriscado Nunes - CES Researcher
Albino Aroso - Associate Professor Emeritus of Gynaecology/Obstetrics at the Abel Salazar Institute for Biomedical Sciences
Rita Serra - CES Researcher, co-coordinator of NECTS

Organization: Science, Technology And Society Research Group

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