Science, Technology and Society Research Group Seminar
The Anthropological Locus of the Crab (Cancer) in the Feminine Perspective: Reality, challenge or Utopia?

Carlos Laranjeira

January 27th, 2010, 17:00, CES Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Coimbra


The purpose of this research was to apprehend what is the effect of culture, based on medical anthropology, in what concerns to the acquisition of preventive strategies to combat cancer, undertaken by women enrolled in the cervical cancer prevention programme. The participants were selected for this study from the Register of cytological examination of cervicovaginal swabs, carried out during January 2008 to December 2008, in a Primary Health Care Unit of the Portuguese Centro Region. The selection was also based on the age limits proposed by the national cancer plan, regarding the cancer screening exam, that is, [30-60] years. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews and observation. While analysing the results, four tests of significance were dissected:  1. The stigma and the genesis of cancer; 2. the essentiality of prevention, the forms and the factors that motivate and discourage this practice; 3. the impact of the attitudes of health professionals in prevention behaviours; 4. what actually prevents cancer. We see an approximation of lay knowledge with knowledge of the biomedical model. The user's speech facing the professional shows an apparent agreement, but the technical and scientific knowledge has a secondary role, in spite of its persuasive force, if the singularities of the subjects are ignored. It is necessary to manage this interpersonal space, giving it the flexibility and feedback that the media doesn’t allow. Thus, the social network of the individual regarding cancer may be identified and explained by lay knowledge, which incorporates the experience and perception of the individual in face of cancer and the respective prevention behaviours.

Biographic note

2007 – Doctoral Degree in Nursing Science at the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute of the University of Porto
2003 – Degree in Nursing at the Higher School for Health, of the Campus Universitário Piaget, Viseu. 

Academic  and Professional  Activities
Since 2007 – Associate Professor at the   Higher School for Health, of the Campus Universitário Piaget, Viseu. 
2004 to 2007 – Assistant Professor at the   Higher School for Health, of the Campus Universitário Piaget, Viseu. 
Since 2004 – General Nurse at the District Hospital of Figueira da Foz, EPE.

Research projects at CES
2008 – Initiated His post-doctoral degree with the research Project: “O Locus Antropológico do Caranguejo no Olhar Feminino: Realidade, Desafio ou Utopia?” coordinated by Professor João Arriscado Nunes, in the capacity of scientific supervisor

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