Cinema at FEUC

December 4th, 2009, School of Economics – University of Coimbra Auditorium


14:00 | Film projection
Metropolis (by Fritz Lang, 1927)

16:00 | Seminar
Labour trough cinema: a critical analysis of the film «Metropolis»
Giovanni Alves (State University of São Paulo- UNESP/ Marília)

Biographic note

Professor Giovanni Alves is one of the most dynamic labour critical sociologists, that has come to study and publish on thematics surrounding labour relation precarity, the Brazilian trade union movement  and what he calls  “condition of proletariat” in modern global capitalism.

Giovanni Alves is Professor of Sociology at the State University of  São Paulo- UNESP/ Marília; researcher at CNPq; leader of the research group "Studies on Globalization” general coordinator of the Network for Labour Studies – RET; coordinator of the outreach Project Tela Crítica.

Among his published works we call attention to: O Novo e Precário Mundo do Trabalho (ed. Boitempo); Trabalho e Cinema (Ed. Praxis); A Condição de Proletariedade (Ed. Praxis).


FEUC Sociology Group
Master and doctoral Programme in Work Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade
Labour and Trade Unionism - NETSind/ CES

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