ETUI Education Conference

European Trade Union Institute

October 13th and 14th, 2009, CIUL/CES, Picoas Plaza, Rua do Viriato, nº 13, Lisbon

The event gathers 7 to 8 dozen trade union trainers of cadres of several national confederations and European federations, of various countries in an immense diversity, be it regarding practices, be it regarding ideas.  

The Conference will open with a communication by Maria Helena André, joint secretary general of CES – European Trade Unions Confederations, and a conference by António Casimiro Ferreira and José Reis on the CRISIS AND TRANSITION TO NEW LABOUR AND WELFARE MODELS.

At the conference will be present Philipe Pochet, director of ETUI and Georges Schnell, director of the trade union training.

THE PEDAGOGICAL BOARD of  ETUI  meets on October 14th.

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