PT | EN 
Africa and its phones – predicaments and deliverances  

Laura Padilha
Fluminense Federal University

May 21st, 14h, CES Seminar room (1st floor)

Within the Doctorate Programme "Postcolonialisms and global Citizenship"


Regarding modern African literatures of Portuguese language, the epistemological impossibility of reducing the multiple African linguistic and culture to the concept of lusophone that presumes European hegemony over non-european, will be taken into discussion. The fictional texts turn themselves into extremely important material when reflecting on the crossing between Portuguese and national African languages, seeking to understand the new configurations that the language transmitted by the colonizer now has on the colonized spaces.

Biographic note

Laura Padilha has a post-doctorate degree in Humanities by the University of São Paulo, PhD by the Federal university of Rio de Janeiro (same area) and Associate Professor of the Fluminese Federal University, area of Portuguese Language and Literature, particularly in African Literatures. She is a researcher of the National Board for Scientific and Technological Development (BR) and associate researcher of the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. She was President of the National Association of Post-Graduation and Research in Humanities, Vice-president of the Brazilian association of Compared Literature, Director of the School of Humanities, Federal Fluminense University, and editor of the same university.
Beyond publishing numerous articles in specialized journals, Laura cavalcante Padilha is author of Entre Voz e Letra – A Ancestralidade na Litertatura Angolana (1995) [Between Voice and Letter – Ancestrality in Angolan Literature]  , which received the Mario Andrade Award, National Brazilian Library , as best essay of the year and also Novos Pactos, Outras Ficções: Ensaios sobre literaturas afro-luso-brasileiras (2001)[ New Pacts, Other Fictions: Essays on afro-luso-brazilian literatures]. Both works have a portuguese edition by Imbondeiro. She organized with Inocência Mata, Mário Pinto de Andrade: um intelectual na política (2001) [Mário Pinto de Andrade: an intelectual in politics], A Poesia e a Vida. Homenagemm a Alda Espírito Santo (2006) [Poetry and Life. A Homage to Alda Espírito Santo] and Mulher em África – Vozes de uma margem sempre present (2007) [ Woman in Africa – Voices of an ever present border].