Photography Exhibition

September 14th to October 16th, 2009, Centre for Social Studies


Presentation | In the dichotomic game that opposes the cardinal points, the South is located in the exact opposite side to the North, consequently, from where we find ourselves, turning our back to the North, we encounter a land suffering from the severity of time and the prepotency of men, a land of vitality and encouragement, that even though swaying to the overwhelming strength of the conquerors, has allowed all every invasion and violations and, without walls nor battlements, has remained unviolated in its secrets and mysticisms. The South is the unhealed wound in the North’s conscience. In an exhausted world, this is the land of the infinite dream that maintains the promises of a new paradigm in which knowledge does not mean domination and exploitation and where sweat, salt, samba, salsa, smiles and the Sun are the ingredients with which a new emancipation is seasoned. In the emotional contemporary geography, the South is no longer a cardinal point, and, more important than not losing the North is finding the South. In this game of metaphors, the photographs exhibited are the images that move us, and nothing moves us more than Al South.

Biographic notes | Carlos Nolasco was born in Serpa, lives in Coimbra, teaches Social Sciences and is a CES doctoral student.  Khalid Fekhari was born in Marrakesh, lives in Aveiro and obtained his PhD in Anthropology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Both of them, during December, 2005, held an exhibition at the IPJ in Viseu, intituled Acasos.  In July, 2007, at Café de Santa Cruz, in Coimbra, they held their second exhibition intituled Marraquexe Simplesmente. In 2008, they held their third exhibition, at Café de Santa Cruz and the Piaget Institute, intituled  Pequenos Mamiferos. Some of their works may be seen at

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