Conference The aim of the conference Civil Society and Postcolonialism is to establish a productive dialogue between European, African and Latin-American scholars that work upon literature in civil society and literature on Postcolonialism so that the contact between scholars from both political academic streams may offer an exchange of epistemological positions among them and the remaining participants of the Conference.
August 4th MORNING Participants welcome reception and registration 14.00 – 14.30 Opening UFMG Rector University of Coimbra Rector 14.30 -16.30 – Opening Conferences Civil Society under the perspective of post-colonialism Postcolonialism under the perspective of civil society Commentary: Profa. Heloísa Starling - UFMG 16.30 – 17.30 - Debates MORNING 10.00 - 11.15 Prof. João Feres Júnior - IUPERJ Prof. Jose Mauricio Domingues – IUPERJ 11.15 - 12.00 - Debates AFTERNOON 14.00 - 15.15 Profa. Paula Meneses – CES- Coimbra 15.15 - 16.00 - Debates 16.30 - 18.00 (room 01) – Immigration, Identity and Postcolonialism Session Articles: Immigrant political participation in the Portuguese postcolonial context (Giovanni Allegretti); Displeasing civil society: theoretical notes on (in)civility (Luciana Ballestrin); What is there beyond identities? Belongings and becomings between Bolivian immigrants in São Paulo (Geraldo Adriano de Campos); Acritical and critical whiteness: racial supremacy and the anti-racist white (Lourenço Cardoso). 18.00 - 19.00 (room 04) – Youth, university and Postcolonialism Session articles: A glance on youth from Minas Gerais (Juarez Dayrell, André Golgher, Simone Grace de Paula, Ana Amélia Labourne, Raquel Alvares); Social movements’ popular university: (re)cognizing towards dialogue (Ana Maria Prestes Rabelo). MORNING 10.00 - 11.15 Maria Vanete Almeida – Social Mobilizer - LAC Prof. Miguel Arroyo - UFMG 11.15 - 12.00 - Debates 14.00 - 15.15 Prof. Claudia Mosquera – National University of Colômbia Prof. Kiran Asher - Clark University Prof. Nilma Gomes - UFMG 15.15. - 16.00 - Debate 16.30 - 18.00 (room 02) – Postcolonialism and Black Identity Session Articles: From the emergence of black scholars to the intellectual decolonialization in the area of Brazilian racial relations (Sales Augusto dos Santos); Traditional afro-descendent communities and the right to territory: a comparative study between Brazil and Colombia (Alexandre Sampaio, Carlos Eduardo Marques, Lílian Gomes, Ricardo Álvares); The black women movement of Belo Horizonte in the construction of a postcolonial Brazil (Michele da Silva Lopes); Decolonizing knowledge and penal powers: reviewing an everyday genocide (Felipe Heringer da Motta). 18.00 - 19.30 (room 04) - Liberalism, Acknowledgement and social Movements in Latin America. Session Articles: Researching leisure in Latin America (Christianne Gomes, Rodrigo Elizalde, Alicia Ramos); Liberalism’s metamorphoses and contemporary judicial acknowledgement in Latin America: the limits of State refounding ideas and internal decolonialization (Aurea Mota); Social movements and decolonialism (Liliam Huzioka, Ricardo Pazello); Acknowledgment policy and truth committees: reflections from the cases of Peru and Guatemala (Silvia Maeso). |