From Almedina to Feliz Lusitânia: characters of Heritage

Cybelle Salvador Miranda, Federal University of Pará

July 21st, 17:00, CES Seminar Room

Within the Grants for Young Researchers  


The research deals with the importance of analyzing comparatively appropriation forms of historical spaces restored in cities whose culture and morphology exhibit similarities, due to their historic colonial relation. The iconographic research and conduction of interviews in Coimbra had for aim drawing a parallel between the handling of preserved areas in the inaugural neighbourhood of the city of Belém do Pará (Brazil) and in the historical Centre of a Portuguese city. In this manner, an intramural area of Almedina (Coimbra) and the region around the Complexo Feliz Lusitânia (Belém) was chosen with the objective of detecting the perceptions of the resident population and the characters involved in the revitalization operations. We call attention to the analysis of the repercussion of the interventions in the everyday life of these “localities of memory”.

Biographic note

Architect and Urbanist;
Holds a doctoral Degree in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pará;
Professor at the School of architecture and Urbanism of UFPA, in the disciplines: “Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism” and Aesthetics”;
Coordinator of the Laboratory of Memory and Cultural Heritage;
Coordinator of the research “Culture and Heritage in Belém-PA: a history of professionalization” funded by the Institute for National Historic and Artistic Heritage – IPHAN – Brazil (2009).
Coordinator of the research “Overview of the Course of Architecture of the Federal University of Pará:  from “School” to “College” (2009-10).

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