Researching at CES: living experiences
Integration into Research Grantees

November 12th, 2009, CES Seminar Room


Within the Commitment with Science Programme, Integration into Research Grants (BII) were attributed, in the extent of stimulating initiation to scientific activity and the development of critical sense, creativity and autonomy of the students through their integration in R&D project teams. CES admitted 17 grantees (BIIs) that were researchers for 9 months.

During this conference, the individual works of each grantee, with the aim of sharing the research experiences they lived within the CES research groups and observatories.


9:30h The Commitment with the BIIs (José Manuel Mendes)

9:45-11:15h BIIs’ Communications
Ana Catarina Silva, NEP;
Vasco Baptista, OGIVA;
Denise Bernuci da Silva, NEM;
Verónica Ambrósio, NECTS;
Emanuelle Santos, OSIRIS

Commentaries from the supervisors (followed by discussion): José Manuel Pureza, Joana Sousa Ribeiro, João Arriscado Nunes e José Manuel Mendes

11:15-11:30h Coffee Break

11:30-12:45h BIIs’ Communications
Tiago Pereira Santos, NEGIE;
Pedro Veloso, OEC;
Caio Araújo, ND;
Moara Crivelente, ODCRES

Commentaries from the supervisors (followed by discussion): José Castro Caldas, Catarina Frade, Maria Paula Menezes e Mathias Thaller

12:45-14:00h Lunch

14:00-15:15h BIIs’ Communications
Ana Filipa Matos Maia, NECC;
Bertânia Almeida, NAU; Joana Madureira, NECCURB;
Sara Portovedo, OPL

Commentaries from the supervisors (followed by discussion): Graça Capinha, José António Bandeirinha, Carlos Fortuna e Fernando Ruivo

15:15-15:30h Coffee Break

15:30-16:45h BIIs’ Communications
Sara Rocha, NECPS;
Rafael Costa Cazarin de Brito, OPP;
Joana Loureiro, NEEDA; Janaína Brilhante, OPJ

Commentaries from the supervisors (followed by discussion): Pedro Hespanha, Giovanni Allegretti, Teresa Maneca e Boaventura de Sousa Santos

16:45-17:15h Closing

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