International Seminar
Spectacle/City/Theatre: Representations of City between Spectacle and the Luso-Brazilian Contemporary Theatrical Scene
July 1st to 3rd, CES Seminar Room
Biographic Notes
Abel Neves
Playwright, poet and novelist, highly published in Portugal and abroad, is author of the plays Amadis, Anákis, Touro, Terra, Medusa, Atlântico, Finisterrae e Arbor Mater, El Gringo, Lobo-Wolf and, more recently, Inter-rail e Além as Estrelas são a nossa Casa. Also, author of television manuscripts, published His first novel, Corações Piegas, in 1996 (Cotovia), followed by Asas para que vos quero (1997). In 1998 publishes the poetry book Eis o Amor a Fome e a Morte and in 2002 an essay volume, Algures entre a resposta e a interrogação both by Cotovia.
Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes
Holds a Post-Doctoral Degree in the field of Literary Studies at the Centre for Anglistic Studies of the University of Lisbon– CEAUL with a Project intituled “The Short Story in Contemporary British and Portuguese Women’s Writing and the Construction of a New Identity: Defining and Comparing Women Nowadays”.
António Pedro Pita
Full Professor at the School of Arts and humanities, University of Coimbra. Visiting Scholar at the University of Santiago de Compostela and PUC – Pontifícia Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century, University of Coimbra, where he coordinates the research group on “Artistic tendencies and intellectual movements”. Integrates the Research Group “Intellectuals and Power in the Iberoamerican World”, with seat at The State University of Rio de Janeiro and belongs to the Advisory Board of his electronic journal, Intellectus.
Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Iberian Studies. Belongs to the Editorial Boards of the journals Revista Filosófica de Coimbra and Estudos do Século Vinte.
His work focuses on the field of contemporary philosophy, aesthetics and Portuguese culture ( 19th and 20th Century).
Among others, has published the following books: O aprendiz do mundo e outros fantasmas, Coimbra, 2007; Conflito e unidade no neo-realismo português, Porto, 2002; Edição crítica da obra integral de Bento de Jesus Caraça – vol. I: Cultura e emancipação, 1929-1933, Porto, 2002; A experiência estética como experiência do mundo, Porto, 1999.
Is, presently, Regional Director for Culture of the Centro Region.
Armando Nascimento Rosa
One of the most staged Portuguese playwrights, with fourteen play productions since his stage premiere which took place in 2000 by Comuna – Teatro de Pesquisa, with Lianor no país sem pilhas, which was distinguish with the Revelation Award Ribeiro da Fonte, in 2000. Author of twelve books, ten of which constituted by original theatre plays, and two essay volumes: Falar no Deserto – Estética e psicologia em Samuel Beckett (2000), and As Máscaras Nigromantes – Uma leitura do teatro escrito de António Patrício (2003), published by Assírio & Alvim. Among his plays, are listed: Visita na Prisão ou O último sermão de António Vieira (2009); Antígona gelada (2008); Cabaré de Ofélia (2007); O eunuco de Inês de Castro – teatro no país dos mortos (2006); Maria de Magdala (2005); Nória e Prometeu – palavras do fogo (2005); O túnel dos ratos (2004); A última lição de Hipátia (2004); Um Édipo (2003); Audição – com Daisy ao vivo no Odre Marítimo (2002); e Espera apócrifa (2000). Has plays published in Spain and the USA, namely: El eunuco de Inês de Castro (Spanish translation by Antonio Sáez Delgado) and An Oedipus – The untold story (English translation by Luis Toledo), in a volume published by Spring Journal Books (New Orleans), with critical essays by Marvin Carlson and by Christine Downing, and preface by Susan Rowland. This play in English was staged in London by Pippa Guard, in 2006, premiered at the Queen Anne Court/The University of Greenwich. Of the theatrical institutions with wich he has collaborated we call attention to: Comuna-Teatro de Pesquisa; Cendrev – Centro Dramático de Évora; Cassefaz/Teatro Maria Matos; Teatro O Bando; Teatro da Trindade; TEF – Companhia de Teatro do Funchal; Martin E. Segal Theatre Center (City University, New York); Teatro del Astillero (Madrid); e StoneCrabs Theatre Company (London). In the capacity of libretto writer, in partnership with the composer Hugo Ribeiro, he won the 2nd edition of the contest Ópera em Criação, promoted by the Ópera-estúdio of Lisbon and by the São Luiz Theatre, in 2008, with the short opera libretto As duas mulheres de Sigmund Freud, followed by the long opera Os mortos viajam de metro, with music from the same composer, to be premiered in 2010 at the São Luiz Theatre. Holds a doctoral degree in Portuguese Drama Literature of the 20th Century, at Universidade Nova of Lisbon, is Associate Professor, in the field of Theory and Dramaturgy, at the Higher School for Theatre and Cinema of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, since 1998. The first play he wrote, Goiânia ou Uma Nova Caixa de Pandora, won the Honourable Mention for the Alves Redol Awrd for Theatre, in 1988. Was theatre critic in the written press, during the late 1980’s, and was distinguished with the Best Young Critic Award – 1989, bestowed by the journal Actor. Initiated a professional activity as playwright in 1990, at Companhia Teatro da Politécnica, in Lisbon, as guest from its founder, the director Mário Feliciano.
His more recent published play, Visita na prisão ou O último sermão de António Vieira, was distinguished with both the Albufeira Award for Literature 2008 and the Honourable Mention for the 2nd Edition of the Luso-Brazilian Award for Dramaturgy António José da Silva.
Berta Teixeira
Actress; Holds a Degree in Sociology at the University of Coimbra (1996); Master in Theatre Studies at the University of Lisbon and D.E.A. at the University of Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis in the Study Field: Esthétiques, Technologies et Créations Artistiques (2001); As doctoral student in the field of Sociology of Culture, Knowledge and Communication under supervision of João Arriscado Nunes (2005) develops research on the Creative processes in performative arts while porous dynamics of constellations; Associate student of NECTS (Studies on Science, Technology and Society) at CES (Centre for Social Studies) and Grantee fof the Institute for Interdisciplanary Research (2007/2008), institutions affected to the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Has participated as trainee-director (2008) in the project Auto-Peças (20th Anniversary) of Cia dos Atores-Brazil. Conceived and coordinates, since 2007, the exchange residence troca m.a.r.e.s. in Benguela-Angola.
Carlos Fortuna
PhD. in Sociology (State University of New York – Binghamton - 1989), is Full Professor at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra and Permanent Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. Scientific Coordinator of the Master and Doctoral Programmes in “Cities and Urban Cultures”.
Fields of interest: Urban cultures; Tourism, heritages and memories; Identities and images of the cities.
Author of several books, his more recent being “A internacionalização da sociologia: Notas sobre a globalização e a disciplina sociológica" (2008).
Claudino Ferreira
Holds a Doctoral Degree in Sociology (FEUC - 2006).
Associate Professor at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra and researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, where he integrates the Studies on Cities and Urban Cultures Research Group. Executive Coordinator of the Master and doctoral Programmes in “Cities and Urban Cultures”. ".
Assistant Director of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais.
Fields of Interest: Cities and urban cultures; Cultural practices and policies; Cultural intervention in cities; Tourism, leisure and life styles..
Published author in these fields, within which he has developed research.
Ingrid Dormien Koudela
Livre Docente at ECA/USP CNPq Researcher, teaches the Post-Graduate course in Scenic Arts at ECA/USP and the Degree in Theatre at UNISO – University of Sorocaba, where she is also director, having staged the following plays: Nós Ainda Brincamos como vocês brincavam? (2006); Peixes Grandes comem peixes pequenos (2007) Chamas na Penugem (2008).
Author of JOGOS TEATRAIS (Perspectiva, 2002) is translator and introduced the Theatrical Games in Brazil. Brecht researcher, focusing on Didactic Play, has published several volumes that propose and alternative approach towards the teaching/learning of theatrical language and literary text. In partnership with Professor Jacó Guinsburg published her translation of Georg Büchner’s work, GEORG BÜCHNER. NA PENA E NA CENA (Pespectiva, 2004), having thus received the Jabuti Award, in 2005.
Collaborated with several entries in the BRAZILIAN THEATRE DICTIONARY (Koudela, Ed. Perspectiva, 2006). Organized the volume HEINER MÜLLER. O ESPANTO NO TEATRO (Perspectiva, 2003) through which she expands her research on German theatre.
Coordinator of the Working Group - Pedagogia do Teatro e Teatro na Educação da ABRACE – Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas, publishing texts for Anais da ABRACE e da IDEA – International Drama and Theatre in Education Association among others, at international level.
Ivam Cabral
Master in Theatrical Practice at the School of the University of São Paulo holds a degree in Scenic Arts at the Pontificia Catholic University of Paraná.
Born in Ribeirão Claro/PR, founded in 1989, along with Rodolfo Garcia Vàzquez, the Cia de Teatro Os Sátiros, one of the most important theatre troupes of Brazilian theatre.
As actor, was cast in several plays; received numerous awards and performed in several European countries. Published through the series Aplauso, of the Imprensa Oficial de São Paulo, the book “O teatro de Ivam Cabral- quatro textos para um teatro veloz” and by the Curitiba Foundation for Culture, “Cartazes do teatro Paranaense” e “Cinco Biografias do Teatro Paranaense”.
Composer, created the tele-theatre soundtrack “O Vento nas Janelas” of TV Cultura of São Paulo and was recorded by Alaíde Costa and Zeca Baleiro among others. Since 1997 wrights, produces and presents the show “Os cantos de Portugal” at Radio Paraná Educativa de Curitiba, on Portuguese music and poetry.
Also writes for television the scripts for “Direções- por uma Novo Caminho na Teledramaturgia” of TV Cultura of São Paulo.
Jaime Rocha
Born in 1949. Studied at the School of Arts and Humanities of Lisbon. Exiled in France some years until April 1974. Was journalist for over three decades. Published several poetry, fiction and theatre Works. Was distinguished with the following awards: Great APE Award for Theatre, 1998 (O Terceiro Andar); Eixo Atlântico Award for Drama Texts, 1999 (Seis Mulheres Sob Escuta); Selected for the European Theatre Award, Berlin, 1994 (O Construtor); Great Portuguese Theatre Award SPA/Teatro Aberto, 2004 (Homem Branco, Homem Negro); in 2008 receives the Pen Club Fiction Award, with the novel “Anotação do Mal”.
Staged Works: A Repartição, 1989, by School of Sciences of Lisbon Theatre Group; Depois da Noite o Quê?, 1998, by Teatro de Carnide; Casa de Pássaros, 2001, by Teatro Experimental de Cascais; O Televisor, 2001, by Teatro Mosca (Cacém); Tansviriato, 2001, by Trigo Limpo/Teatro ACERT (Tondela); O Jogo da Salamandra, 2001, by Comuna and Teatro Público (Lisbon); Seis Mulheres Sob Escuta, 2003, a Teatro da Trindade production, (Lisboa) and 2007, by School of Arts and Humanities of Porto Theatre Group; Quinze Minutos de Glória, 2003, by GRETUA, Grupo Experimental de Teatro of the University of Aveiro and O Terceiro Andar by Grupo de Teatro da Biblioteca da Nazaré. In January, 2004 premiers the play Homens Como Tu, by Companhia de Teatro Útero (Lisbon). In 2005, Teatro Aberto stages Homem Branco, Homem Negro, which was performed in the international theatre festivals of Mulheim and Wiesbaden. In 2006 premieres O Mal de Ortov, by Teatro ACERT (Tondela) and Morcegos by Teatro O Bando (Palmela),staged, in 2007, in London, Amsterdam and Lille.
Jorge Louraço Figueira
Author of the plays «O Espantalho Teso» (Cotovia Publishing House, produced by Teatro Nacional de São João, 2001), «Auto da Revisitação», with Pedro Eiras (production TNSJ, 2002), «Xmas qd Kiseres» (Campo das Letras, production O Teatrão, 2002), «Flash Motel» (production ESMAE, 2004) and «Cabaré da Santa», with Reinaldo Maia (Revista Magma, production Folias, 2008). Also wrote «Verás que tudo é verdade», story of the first decade of Folias’ life, and is one of the theatre critics for a Público ( Coloborates regullary with Art'imagem (Porto), O Teatrão (Coimbra) and Folias (São Paulo).
FHolda a degree in International Relations and Social Anthropology, participated in Theatre Writing Workshop conducted by Antonio Mercado at Dramat (TNSJ), Porto, 1999-2000; in the Seminar Traverse Theatre / Artistas Unidos, Lisbon, 2002; in the Royal Court Theatre international residence, London, 2003; and in the theatre writing seminar, conducted by José Sanchis Sinisterra at Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II, in Lisbon, 2007. Teaches at the Higher School for Arts of Porto, since 2000, at ESMAE, since 2003, and at the Professional School for Balletheatre, since 2005.
José Antonio Bandeirinha
Architect at Higher School for Fine-Arts of Porto (1983). Professional architect is also associate professor at the Architecture Department of the School of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, where he holds a doctoral degree since 2002 with a dissertation intituled the SAAL Process and Architecture at 25 April 1974.
Taking for central reference architecture and space organization, has come to focus his study on several themes – city, theatre, culture.
Is researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. Is Pro-Rector for Culture of the University of Coimbra.
José Simões de Almeida Junior
Holds a Degree in Biology at the Pontifícia Catholic University of Campinas (1983); Bachelor Degree in Microbiology and Immunology at the Pontifícia Catholic University of Campinas (1984); Graduation in Scenic Arts at the State University of Campinas (1991); Master in Communication and Semiotics at the Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo (2001); Doctoral Degree in arts at the University of São Paulo (2007), post-doctoral Degree at the University of Coimbra (2008). Professor Titular at the University of Sorocaba; Associate Professor at the Schools of Valinhos and theatre director. Holds experience in the field of theatre (direction, dramaturgy and professional training) and in Education (Teaching, Research, Supervision, Administration focusing on the development of Outreach Projects). His scientific production has for object Space and Place in Theatre with interfaces in Education, sociology, Communication and culture. Presently (2008-2010) conducting the research project “The theatrical place and the city – a study on the social imagery of theatres in Portugal” at CES (Centre for social Studies), University of Coimbra (Portugal), as FCT (foundation for science and technology) grantee, under supervision of Professor Carlos Fortuna.
Maria Amélia Jundurian Corá
holds a degree in Administration at Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo (2003) and master in Administration at Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo (2006). Presently is advisor for the Via Publica and tender of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo. Holds experience in the field of Administration, focusing on Social Management, mainly on the following themes: sustainability, social responsibility, society, citizen business, public policies, solidarity economy and local development. Carrying out her Sandwich Doctoral Programme at the Centre for social Studies, University of Coimbra from January to July 2009, with grant from CNPQ.
Maria Angélica Alberto
Holds a degree in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Pará (1979), master in Education at the Federal University of Pará (1997) and doctoral degree in Education at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2004). Is presently Associate Professor II at the Federal University of Pará . Teaches at the Graduate and Post-Graduate Programme in Social Sciences of this university. Experience in the field of Sociology of Labour, focusing on the following themes: employability, training/Professional qualification, labour market and immaterial labour.
Mirian Tavares
With academic training in Communication Sciences, Semiotics and Cultural Studies (holds a doctoral degree in Communication and Contemporary Cultures at the Federal University of Bahia), has developed research and theoretical production in fields related to Cinema, Literature and other Arts, as well as in the fields of film and art aesthetics.
As teacher at the University of Algarve, has participated in the elaboration of the degree in Visual Arts project, coordinating, presently the doctoral and master programme in Communication, culture and arts. Is member of CIAC (Centre for Research in Arts and Communication), with FCT funding.
Was advisor for the Secretary of State for Culture of the State of Sergipe, in Brazil, where she coordinated several cultural activities.
among other international collaborations we call attention to office held as visiting teacher at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, where she held two conference cycles in the fields of historical vanguards and cinema. In turn, at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid she lectured some seminars on Literature and cinema. Also participates in a digital platform for the production and promotion of scientific and cultural documentaries in an international Project, with seat in this Spanish university. Also, commissioned, in Barcelona, a cinema show for the cycle “Cinema a la Pedrera”, for the Fundação Caixa Catalunya, foundation, in which she also participated in educative activities during the Exhibit on Malevich, focusing on the relation between this artist and cinema.
Of her published works, we call attention to coordinating a book on Literature and Cinema (2007): É Perigoso debruçar-se para dentro and some essays published in national and international books and journals, such as: Revista ARS - “Cinema digital: novos suportes, mesmas histórias”; Revista Intermídias – “Surrealismo: A Revolução pela Arte”; Revista Faces de Eva - “A Doce Vida: do eterno feminino na obra de Federico Fellini”; Revista Graphos - “Da poesia de Buñuel ao cinema de Garcia Lorca”.
Newton Moreno
Born in Recife, holds a Bachelor degree in Scenic Arts at Unicamp, in the play Primeiras Estórias, adapted and directed by João das Neves in 1995 and is Master in Scenic arts at USP under supervisiono f Professor Sílvia Fernandes where he develops, presently, his doctoral project.
Was part of the teaching staff at Escola Livre de Teatro de Santo André.
In 2001, staged His first text Deus Sabia de Tudo, in season at TUSP and Teatro Sérgio Cardoso between 2001 and 2003.
Is author of Dentro (which participated in Mostra de Dramaturgia Contemporânea do SESI in 2002) and A Cicatriz é a Flor, these two texts together compose the first phase of the Project Carne/Body Art and were staged by Teatro de Arena between May and June, 2004: and Agreste directed by Márcio Aurélio, with Cia Razões Inversas in São Paulo. With this text he was distinguished with the Shell Award for Best Author and the APCA Award (São Paulo Art Critics Association) for Best Author, in 2004.
Awarded with the Vitae de Artes Scholarship in 2003to carry out a free adaptation fro theatre of the book Assombrações do Recife Velhoby Gilberto Freyre. This text is being staged by his group Os Fofos Encenam, sponsored by the Promotion Law of the Secretary for Culture of the city of de São Paulo. This play won the Quality Award Brazil 2005 for Best Play, direction and Actor in the category Comedy and was nominated for the Shell Award for Theatre 2005 for Direction, Lighting and Music.
He developed with Antônio Rogério Toscanoa script for the Núcleo Experimental do SESI, coordinated by Georgette Fadel, Santa Luzia passou por aqui com seu cavalinho comendo capim; and in partnership with Alessandro Toller signs the script and directed the show Fronteiras on show at SESI during the first semester of 2007. Author of the show ÓPERA, staged by Coletivo Angu de Teatro in Recife.
Adapted Ferro em Brasa with the group OS FOFOS ENCENAM, this show was nomenied for the Shell Award 2006 in the special category for research on circus-theatre language.
The Refeição ( resulting from the dramaturgy workshop lectured by the Royal Court Theatre in 2004 in São Paulo and in 2005 in London ) was staged during the first semester of 2007 in São Paulo and in the Curitiba Theatre Festival and was on stage in Parlapatões in São Paulo. Also author of the script for VEMVAI, O Caminho dos Mortos, devised in a collaborative process with Cia Livre and directed by Cibele Forjaz.
As Centenárias directed by Aderbal Freire Filho is on stage at Teatro Poeira in Rio de Janeiro with Marieta Severo and Andréa Beltrão in the cast and received the Shell Award Rio and the Contigo! Award in 2008 for Best Author.
The Célio Cruz Show, Jacinta e Berço de Pedra are unpublished texts.
Paulo Peixoto
Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, integrating the Studies on Cities and Urban Cultures Research Group, is Professor of Sociology at the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra, where he teaches the degree in Sociology and the Master and doctoral Programme on Cities and Urban Cultures. Holds a Doctoral and Master Degree in Sociology at the University of Coimbra and holds a first degree in Sociology at the same institution. Integrates the Brazil-Portugal Network for Urban Studies, presently carries out research projects on heritage and tourism, develops outreach activities coordinating the evaluation of social intervention projects and is Director of the Ensino Superior –SNESup Journal. Member of the Executive board of the Centre for Social Studies, the Association for University Outreach (APEU) and the Higher Education National Trade Union. His current interest focus on the fields of cities and urban cultures, heritage, tourism, and exclusion and urban violence.
Rogério Proença Leite
Holds a doctoral Degree in Social Sciences (UNICAMP), Researcher at CNPq, Associate Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), collaborates in the Master/Doctoral Programme in Cities and Urban Cultures of the University of Coimbra and is the Brazilian coordinator of the Brazil –Portugal Network for Urban Studies (CPLP of MCT/CNPq and CAPES-FCT). Published, among others, Contra-usos da Cidade, (Ed.Unicamp, 2nd ed., 2007) and organized the series Cultura e Vida Urbana: Ensaios sobre a cidade, São Cristóvão, UFS, 2008.
Rui Pina Coelho
Professor at the Higher School for Theatre and Cinema (ESTC) since 2006/07. Researcher at the Centre for Theatre Studies at the School of Arts and Humanities of Lisbon – where he collaborates in the project CETbase, and data base for the history of theatre in Portugal – and the Centre for Research in Theatre and Cinema (CITECI). Collaborates with Público, since July 2006, in the capacity of theatre critic and is member of the Editorial Board of the journal Sinais de cena. Is also member of the Portuguese Theatre Critics Association (APCT). Holds a Master Degree in Theatre Studies, since June 2006, with a dissertation intituled House of Comedy – A stage for an idea of theatre , presented at the School of Arts and Humanities of Lisbon, and a degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, variant Portuguese and English Studies. Founding member of Trimagisto – Cooperative for Theatre Experimentation (Évora).
Silvia Fernandes
Sílvia Fernandes da Silva Telesi (São Paulo SP 1953). Theorist, critic, essayist and professor. Focusing on the anaysis of scenic evolutions in Brazil, is researcher on theatre vanguard, fine essayist of the manifestations of the modern-day.
After concluding her training at the School for Communication and Fine Arts of the university of São Paulo - ECA/USP, Sílvia goes on to integrating the research team at Idart, presently the Division for Researches of São Paulo Cultural Centre Paulo - CCSP, documental collection on São Paulo’s Scenic arts between 1978 and 1991. She there develops numerous projects, of which we call attention to those dedicated to the complexity of the contemporary scene. Along with Mauro Meiches publishes Sobre o Trabalho do Ator, research on the art and technique of Professional of several generations , in 1985.
Also linked to researches and achievements important to theatrical bibliography, as those dedicated to the trajectory of Ornitorrinco, to revue theatre, to experimental groups born in the 1970’s.
Teaches at the Sate University of Campinas - Unicamp, until 1998, when she switches to the University of São Paulo – USP, lecturing graduate and post-graduate courses.
In 1995 publishes, along with Jacó Guinsburg and Antônio Mercado, Antonin Artaud - Linguagem e Vida, dedicated to the work of the renowned inspirational of the 20th century vanguards. Researcher on languages of performance, collaborates with the publication Work in Progress na Cena Contemporânea, by Renato Cohen, writing its preface, in 1998. With her thesis Theatre Groups - Trajectory and Language, focuses on the counterculture and experimentalism phenomenon dominating the groups that developed the Brazilian scenario of that decade, published in 2000, intituled Grupos Teatrais - Anos 70.
In 1996, while publishing Gerald Thomas - Memória & Invenção, output of her doctoral degree, she rises to the foreground between theorist and researchers. Collaborates, also in the publication of Gerald Thomas, Um Encenador de Si Mesmo, a collection of texts from the controversial director, by Perspectiva Publishing House.
Some of her essays, published in journals of the specialty, are among the milestones of contemporary Brazilian aesthetic thought.
Vera Borges
Holds a Doctoral Degree in Sociology at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Worked with Pierre-Michel Menger at the Centre de Sociologie du Travail et des Arts, in Paris. Hs developed research on the worlds of arts, professions, organizations and artistic labour markets. Presently develops her post-doctoral project Living and working as na dance, theatre and music artist, at the Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. At the same institute, worked with Manuel Villaverde Cabral in the book Profissão: Arquitecto/a (in print).
Guest Professor of the School of Arts and Humanities, in Artistic Studies, and at the Ricardo Espírito Santo foundation, in the Master Programme in Culture Sciences – Artistic Culture. This year co-organizes with Pedro Costa (Dinamia-ISCTE) the International conference Cycle Artists and cultural workers: carreers and labour markets. Is part of the Technical Committee for Monitoring theatre groups of the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo Region, invitation from the Ministry of Culture.
Author of Todos ao Palco! (Celta, 2001), O Mundo do Teatro em Portugal (ICS, 2007), Teatro, Prazer e Risco (Roma Editora, 2008), Les commédiens et les troupes de théâtre au Portugal (Harmattan, 2009).
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