Economics and the economic

January 23rd and 24th, 2009, CES Seminar Room


January 23rd | Friday

10:00-10:30 Participant Reception

10:30-10:45 Opening Session
Vítor Neves - Reasons and Objectives of the Seminar

10:45-11:15 Inaugural Lecture
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES Director) – (title to be determined)

11:15-11:30 Coffee-break

11:30-13:00 Session I
Moderator: José Reis
João Ferreira do Amaral (ISEG, Lisbon) - The “economic” and “economicism”
Vítor Neves (FEUC/CES, Coimbra) - The moral and political dimension of the economic
José Castro Caldas (CES, Coimbra) - Economics and chrematistics two thousand years later

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Session II
Moderator: João Tolda
Ana Costa (ISCTE, Lisbon) – From science of choice to behavioural science: wherever is the individual in Economics?
Ana C. Santos (CES, Coimbra) - Economics: incentives, market engineering and architecture of choice
Marc Scholten (ISPA, Lisbon) – Rational models of irrational behaviours: A reanalysis

16:00-16:30 Coffee-break

16:30-18:00 Session III
Moderator: Ana Santos
Correia Jesuíno (ISCTE, Lisbon) – Return to the markets and hierarchies
Rafael Marques (ISEG, Lisbon) – Motors, Photos, Chimeras and Monsters: How Performative is Economic Science?
Tiago Mata (Amsterdam School of Economics, The Netherlands) – Homo habilis: economists as instrument makers

20:00 Dinner

January 24th | Saturday

9:15-10:15 Session IV
Moderator: Ana Costa
José Luís Cardoso (ICS, Lisbon) – Economics, a science with history
Joaquim Feio (FEUC, Coimbra) -On the “eternal recurrence” of Political Economics History 

10:15-10:45 Coffee-break

10:45-11:45 Session V
Moderator: Tiago Mata
Carlos Pimenta (FEP, Porto) - Features of heterodoxy: from ortho-denial to hetero-affirmation. Dialogue and reconstruction spaces
Filipe Reis
(ISCTE, Lisbon) – It’s the economy, stupid, vs. it’s the gift, stupid. Reflections of an anthropologist on the teaching of Anthropology to future economists

11:45-12:30 Final Debate
Moderator: José Castro Caldas

12:30-13:00 Ending Session
José Reis (FEUC/CES, Coimbra)