PT | EN |
Augusto Costa published book on transnationalization of trades union
activity |
Hermes Augusto
Costa, CES researcher and professor at the School of Economics,
University of Coimbra, published his most recent book intituled Sindicalismo global ou metáfora
adiada? Discursos e práticas transnacionais da CGTP e da CUT [Global
Trades Union or the adjourned metaphor? CGTP and CUT
transnational discoures and practices]. The book released session took place on May 13th, Almedina Estadio bookstore, Coimbra. ![]() The book was presented by Manuel Carvalho da Silva, CGTP leader and moderation in charge of Elísio Estanque, CES researcher and professor of the School of Economics. Abstract Recognising the centrality of labour and syndicalism among our societies, the author focuses, essentially, on the challenges and opportunities aroused in the course of transnationalization of labour union activity. This book analyses, through a compared form, the contributions of Portugal’s and Brazil’s most representative labour union centrals – Portuguese Worker’s Central Confederation (CGTP) and Worker’s Central Labour Union – towards a transnational labour union activity. The main impacts due to the transformations of world-wide capitalism concerning labour and trade unionism, the causes of national and transnational trade unionism crisis, and the presentation of a set of conditions pertaining to transnational trade unionism renovation are, amid others, some of the topics from which this work draws upon. This book is part of the collection Saber Imaginar o Social, published by Editora Afrontamento and directed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. This collection includes critical studies on various themes relating to contemporary societies, with particular incidence on Portuguese society. |