The book, organized by António Cattani, Jean-Louis Laville, Luiz Gaiger and Pedro Hespanha, seeks to promote onto a vast audience, the milestone concepts and theories as what pertains to alternatives to capitalist economy. The intention is to render the insufficiencies of the dominant economical system more intelligible, to recognize the existence of distinct logics of producing and living (with) and to perceive the distinct presence, resistant or emergent, of other, more just and solidary, economies.
The book release will take place Thursday, March 26th, 18h00, at Livraria Almedina, Cidade de Coimbra Stadium.
The book will be introduced by Euclides André Mance (Philosopher and founder of the Institute of Philosophy of Liberation, Curitiba, Brazil).
The event will also count on the presence of Boaventura de Sousa Santos who will introduce the CES-Almedina Series. |