Culture, Sustainability, and Place:
Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development
11 to 13 October 2017
Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal
Registration and Fees
Final day to register: 21 September 2017
Regular - €50
(The fee ONLY includes access to the conference sessions and breaks for 3 days)
Register HERE
Optional additions:
Pre-Conference Workshop 1: Deep Mapping with Artist’s Books (October 10)
Regular: €20
(participants pay for own lunch, estimated at approx. €8-10)
Maximum number of participants: 20
Pre-Conference Workshop 2: Walking towards a Perceptual Mosaic (October 10)
Regular: €20
(participants pay for own lunch, estimated at approx. €8-10)
Maximum number of participants: 20
Full-day field trip to Furnas, October 14: €25
(participants pay for own lunch)
Maximum number of participants: 43
Register HERE
PLEASE NOTE: there are two registration forms – one for the Conference + Dinners and another for the Pre-conference 1 or 2 + Field Trip. Please make sure to register correctly for the moments you wish to attend. You will receive an email for each registration form in your inbox with information regarding payment. If you have not received the email(s), or have doubts regarding your registration process, please contact .