Culture, Sustainability, and Place:
Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development

11 to 13 October 2017
Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal

Call for Proposals


We are inviting proposals for individual paper/project presentations, thematic panel sessions and workshops. The primary language of the event will be English, but proposals for presentations in Portuguese are also welcome. (We will try to arrange for ‘informal’ translation support for Portuguese-language sessions, as possible.)


  • Culture-nature connections
  • Relationships between cultural sustainability and environmental sustainability
  • Cultural trends in sustainable tourism
  • Tourism as a vehicle to explore cultural landscapes and heritage
  • Tourism experiences and the sustainable representation of authenticity
  • Cultural mapping and deep mapping as tools for sustainable tourism development
  • Artistic inquiry into issues of sustainable culture and tourism
  • Understanding place through creative activities and expressions
  • Representations of heritage through a cultural tourism lens
  • The relationship between sustainable tourism and local development
  • Cultural sustainability and tourism
  • Relationships between artistic practice, audience development, and tourism
  • Linking cultural/creative and environmental tourism initiatives
  • Gastronomy, culture, and place

We will invite academics, artists, tourism practitioners, and students to propose presentations or workshops in these areas, or to suggest other innovative and provocative themes.

Following the conference, we are planning to publish an international book with selected papers from the conference.

Deadline for proposals: 16 December 2016