
Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions

Venue: Faculty of Economics (FEUC) at the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
Dates: 28-30 June 2012

The Conference aims to understand and ultimately rethink social inclusion at the urban scale, as the product of broader dynamics and the interaction of different actors and languages. It will focus on emerging modes of contesting the centrality of the state and market pervasiveness, new varieties of counter-hegemonic positions and projects, and alternative visions of urban democracy and justice that inform bottom-up and participatory approaches to urban inclusion. By mixing academic with social movement and civil society “expertise,” experiences of both the global North and the global South, and the languages of social science and policy with those of the humanities and art, the Conference aims to contribute to an “ecology of knowledges” that gives visibility to new forms of collective action and community experimentation reshaping contemporary cities in different contexts.

The event is organized along three main axes/typologies of activities:

1) Plenary sessions with keynote speakers from different parts of the world;

2) “In conversation with…” sessions, which are more informal dialogues with senior scholars and young researchers, discussing with the audience specific themes from very different and complementary disciplinary perspectives; and

3) Four parallel “panel sessions” organized around specific issues emerging from proposals responding to the “call for papers.”

It also includes an “Alternative City Tour” and some activities at night for participants to socialize in places that are important in the socio-cultural life of Coimbra.