Local: Sala Arte à Parte, Rua Fernandes Tomás 17, Coimbra, Portugal
Data: 21 de maio de 2012, 17h00
Num contexto de crescente internacionalização do Ensino Superior e do crescente debate europeu sobre diversidade e multiculturalismo, parece-nos indispensável analisar a questão do racismo na universidade. Tal assume particular relevância dado que o espaço universitário tem sido considerado como uma exceção nestes processos, como se não estivesse contaminado por processos mais recorrentes na sociedade em geral. Assim, através desta mesa redonda, iremos debater e por a descoberto situações e formas de discriminação e avaliar a eficácia dos atuais mecanismos institucionais para lidar com o racismo quer na universidade como, de forma mais geral, na cidade – prestando especial atenção ao contexto de Coimbra. Este debate será promovido em articulação com os movimentos sociais e estudantis que lutam contra a discriminação em Portugal.
Viviane Carrico (APEB)
Paulina Mendes (Doutoranda Bayreuth/UC)
Joaquim Pires Valentim (UC)
Julia Suárez-Krabbe (Roskilde University/CES)
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)
Comissão organizadora *:
Marta Araújo, Silvia Rodriguez Maeso e Maria Paula Meneses (CES)
* Este evento é organizado em parceria com a Universidade de Coimbra e o projeto de investigação “TOLERACE – The Semantics of Tolerance and (Anti-)Racism in Europe: Institutions and Civil Society on a Comparative Perspective” funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community (SSH-2009-3.3.1 Tolerance and cultural diversity).
Venue: Sala Arte à Parte, Rua Fernandes Tomás 17, Coimbra, Portugal
Date: 21 May 2012, 17h00
In the current context of the increasing internationalisation of higher education and the growing European debate on diversity and multiculturalism, it seems essential to analyse the question of racism at the university. This is particularly important given that the university has been considered as an exception in these processes, as if it was not contaminated by the recurrent processes in society at large. Thus, through this roundtable, we will discuss and expose situations and forms of discrimination, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of existing institutional mechanisms to deal with racism either at the university as, more generally, in the city - paying particular attention to the context of Coimbra. This debate will be promoted in conjunction with the student and social movements that fight against discrimination in Portugal.
Viviane Carrico (APEB)
Paulina Mendes (Doutoranda Bayreuth/UC)
Joaquim Pires Valentim (UC)
Julia Suárez-Krabbe (Roskilde University/CES)
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)
Organizing Committee*:
Marta Araújo, Silvia Rodriguez Maeso and Maria Paula Meneses (CES)
* This event is organized in partnership with the University of Coimbra and the research project “TOLERACE – The Semantics of Tolerance and (Anti-)Racism in Europe: Institutions and Civil Society on a Comparative Perspective” funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community (SSH-2009-3.3.1 Tolerance and cultural diversity).