Português English
Stora, Benjamin (2007)



“Benjamin Stora is a teacher of History of Contemporary Maghreb and of French colonization at INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilizations Orientales). Thierry Leclère, journalist, is a famous reporter at Télérama; he is also author and director of television documentaries”. “Just like a family secret that explodes one fine night over the table, the colonial issue reemerged with the law of February 2005 that intended to settle the «positive role» of French colonization. President Jacques Chirac had to make a step backwards in what concerns the support of his majority […]. This withdrawal was a very powerful revelation: France is not yet reconciled with the subject of colonization and the loss of French Algeria”. “In a dialogue with journalist Thierry Leclère, historian Benjamin Stora, a specialist over the Algerian war and the colonial issue, decodes this amazing battle, rich in passions, dissimulated pains and political reserves”.