Portugu�s English
Osório, Conceição; Silva, Teresa Cruz e (2009)



“The main purpose of this work was to analyze the role developed by the Communitarian Consultation and Participation Institutions (IPCC) in the access and exercise of the local power by women. If feminine representation in the CCPI in the districts of Tambara and Machaze expresses the execution of the legislation, this one, however, expresses a principle of equity not based on the gender equality. This means that the presence of women is considered, in the law as in the speeches and pragmatics of the local power organs, as a determinant and sufficient factor to affect the structures of the feminine subalternity. For this reason, even when the legislation foresees the dissuasion of cultural practices that settle on the masculine power, as is the case with premature marriages, we observe the maintenance of a cultural model (and permanently reproduced) built over the exclusion of women as subject of rights.”