“Differing from previous efforts to articulate a central core for the multitudinous discourses of the human species and its academic faculties, the taproot series draws its agenda equally from epistemology and from ethics. It reconsiders metaphysics as the matrix of both. It calls for respect for the metaphysics of the other as an indispensable requirement for fruitful intercultural dialogue. The authors of the present volume, setting a tone for the series, write that their methodology is to do their best to speak responsibly in the world as it is as this crucial moment of its history. The book, Rethinking Thinking: Modernity’s Other and the transformation of the University, invokes traditional African wisdom and combines it with other wisdoms and insights from different parts of the world, building on and going beyond concept of human development as creative capacity building, to human agency and ethical construction of life. The book criticizes modernity not to destroy it but to transform it by enlarging it. It proposes to read ‘community’ simultaneously as fount of knowledge and as a blessing of moral authority.”