Português English
Felício, Erahsto; Hilsenbeck, Alex (2008)



“These are seven texts, seven colours, seven calendars and seven geographies, where the Insurgent Sub-Commander Marcos advances seven issues: theory, difference, nature destruction, land, fear, memory and war. Mixing academic worries with the militant sensibility of the Zapatistas, ISC Marcos tell us the stories of Shadow Warrior with the Moon (which is rancorous), of the girl December (who was born in November) with the flying book, of Magdalena (that was neither man neither woman) with Elías Contreras, among others. Legends and realities, dreams and possibilities that get together in a harsh critique to capitalism and its last weapon, neoliberalism. In Nem o centro e nem a periferia, the Zapatistas present themselves lucid and strong, 14 years passed over the revolt of the 1st of January 1994 in Chiapas, Mexican state.”