Drago, Ana (2024), A cidade democrática - Habitação e participação política no pós-25 de abril. Lisboa: Tinta da China
Book Chapter
Raggi, Giuseppina (2024), Artistic patronage and agency of Black people in early-modern Brazil: two ceiling paintings in Salvador and Olinda, in Stephen John Campbell, Stephanie Porras (org.), The Routledge Companion to the Global Renaissance. New York: Routledge, 624-639
Book Chapter
Moura, Tatiana (2024), "Boys have to step on, or to be stepped on": A comparative study on masculinities, gender, and violence among at-risk youth in Portugal, Spain, and Croatia, in Suarez, Moura e Pimenta (org.), Give Peace a Chance: local experiences for global challenges, Book series Twenty-first Century Perspectives on War, Peace, and Human Conflict. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Drago, Ana; Santos, Ricardo (orgs.) (2024), Cidade Participada: Arquitectura e Democracia - SAAL - Lisboa. Lisboa: Tinta da China
Book Chapter
Cascão, Leonardo; Araújo, Susana (2024), Critical Language Awareness, Multilingualism and Language Policies in Migration Narratives: Rocha de Sousa's Listen as a Teaching and Learning Resource in Higher Education, in Freiderikos Valetopoulos, Nicoleta Laura Popa (org.), Linguistic and Intercultural Landscapes in the European Higher Education. Peter Lang
Article in Scientific journal
Raggi, Giuseppina (2024), "Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni a Lisbona e il contesto artistico al tempo del suo soggiorno nella penisola iberica", ArcHistoR Extra 12/2024
Book Chapter
Drago, Ana (2024), O nexo habitação-emprego-natalidade em Portugal: as várias crises do novo modelo de crescimento económico, in Jorge Caleiras e Renato do Carmo (org.), Trabalho, políticas de emprego e proteção em Portugal: interações e intervenções. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais
Book Chapter
Duxbury, Nancy; Garrett-Petts, W. F. (2024), Re-situating participatory cultural mapping as community-centred work, in Tania Rossetto and Laura Lo Presti (org.), The Routledge Handbook of Cartographic Humanities. London: Routledge, 329-338
Book Chapter
Moura, Tatiana; Caruso, Haydée; Mascarenhas, Marta; Rolino, Tiago (2024), X-MEN breaking the chains of the intergerational cycle of violence, in Suarez, Moura e Pimenta (org.), Give Peace a Chance: local experiences for global challenges, Book series Twenty-first Century Perspectives on War, Peace, and Human Conflict. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Vieira, Patrícia (2024), Zoophytography: Animals and Plants in Amazonian Cultural Productions. Gainesville: The University of Florida Press
Book Chapter
Marado, Catarina Almeida (2024), The "other mendicant orders": Augustinian and Carmelite friaries in the medieval Portuguese cities, in Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D'Aughton, Anne-Julie Lafaye (org.), Mendicants on the margins: Geographical, social and historiographical margins in the study of medieval and early modern mendicant orders. Cork University Press, 69-85