Article in Scientific journal

Ribeiro, António (2024), "In search of the literary heritage of Cascais", Dos Algarves: Tourism, Hospitality & Management Journal, 44, 20-32


Other Publications

Silva, Antonio Carlos (2024), "Poesia, cravos e estrelas", A Tarde , 38338, A3


Gomes, Conceição; Casaleiro, Paula; Teles Cid, Madalena; Branco, Patrícia (2024), II Relatório Preliminar "Monitorização e avaliação da distribuição, por meios eletrónicos, dos processos nos tribunais judiciais e nos tribunais administrativos e fiscais, nos termos do artigo 7.º da Portaria n.º 86/2023, de 27 de março, Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais: Centro de Estudos Sociais, 73

Article in Scientific journal

Singh, Amit (2024), "Secularism in the Troubled 'Waters' of 'Hindu nationalism'", Secular Studies, 6, 1, 41-61

Book Chapter

Gomes, Conceição (2024), Sex, Law, and Domestic Violence against Women in the Modern World, in M. E. Wiesner-Hanks and M. Kuefler (Ed.) (org.), The Cambridge World History of Sexualities (Vol. IV). Cambridge: University Press, 358-380

Book Chapter

Girei, Emanuela; Jimenez, Andrea; Doezema, Tess; Purvis, Ben; Ripa, Maddalena; Sousa, Joana Vaz; Veronese Passerella, Marco; Pansera, Mario; Genovese, Andrea (2024), Decolonizing CE: some reflections ontheory and praxis from the JUST2CE experience, in Renato Passaro, Patrizia Ghisellini, Mario Pansera, Stefania Barca, Martin Calisto Friant (org.), Circular Economy for Social Transformation: Multiple Paths to Achieve Circularity, 92-105

Book Chapter

Pinhal, Ana; Fernando, Paula (2024), The Portuguese Constitutional Court: a cautious but effective judicial body, in Kálmán Pózca (org.), Constitutional Review in Western Europe - Judicial-legislative relations in comparative perspective. Abingdon, Oxon [UK]; New York: Routledge, 215-240

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Leite, Antonieta Reis (2024-03), "Angra's Earthquake in 1980: UNESCO intervention and the politics of heritage" in Jitka Cirklová (org.), Heritages Past and Present: Built and Social. Barcelona: Czech Technical University & AMPS, 90-98.

Book Chapter

Assis Crivelente, Moara (2024), Contradictions and Opportunities for National Liberation in Human Rights Law and Practice, in Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan & Amritha Viswanath Shenoy (org.), The Wretched of the Global South. International Law and the Global South. Singapore: Springer, 41-69

Article in Scientific journal

Nogueira, Cláudia (2024), "Paradoxos e fragilidades na intervenção de uma Equipa Comunitária de Saúde Mental: breves ecos de uma pesquisa etnográfica", Plataforma Barómetro Social, 1ª Série de 2024, (Abril de 2024)

Working Paper

Samarcos Lora, Rui (2024), "The Role of Cooperatives in Promoting Interethnic Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence", Voices from the Sylff Community

Other Publications

Singh, Amit (2024), "Farewell to Religious Freedom: Persecution of Christians and Muslims in Hindu India", Voices from the Sylff Community

Article in Scientific journal

Rainho Brás, Oriana; Ferreira, Vera; Carvalho, António (2024), "People of the sun: Local resistance and solar energy (in)justice in southern Portugal", Energy Research & Social Science, 113, 103529

Other Publications

Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate; Vecchi, Roberto (2024), "Eduardo Lourenço e o impensado colonial", Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias , 20 Março a 3 Abril, 29-30
Open Access

Other Publications

Silva, Antonio Carlos; Cavalcanti, Vanessa (2024), "Novas Cartas Portuguesas e o jubileu de abril", A Tarde , 38324, A3

Other Publications

Fernando, Paula (2024), "O inquisitório e a posição das partes na produção da prova: monopólio, posição dominante ou concorrência?", Newsletter Conselho Regional de Coimbra da Ordem dos Advogados , 6-10

Other Publications

Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate (2024), "Pretextos para falar de Pretextos de Helder Macedo", Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias , 3 a 16 de Abril, 27 e 28

Book Review

Mercone, Maria (2024) critical review to Cedric J. Robinson (2023), Black Marxism. Genealogia della tradizione radicale nera, Roma: Alegre, 2, in Gli Asini, 84-85


2024 - The health of dying bodies Vulnerability and interdependence in projects by Mara Pieri, from the author Josephine Condemi. Edited by Mangrovia.

Other Publications

dos Santos Morais, Daniel Alexandre (2024), "Dia da Visibilidade Trans: a visibilidade é importante mas será suficiente?", MEGAFONE P3