Other Publications

Lopes, Mónica; Aguiar, Pâmela; Cavadas, Cláudia (2024), "Guide for the Integration of the Gender Perspective in the Management of Research Processes and Contents of R&D Units", Guide for the Integration of the Gender Perspective in the Management of Research Processes and Contents of R&D Units


Article in Scientific journal

Lopes, Mónica (2024), "The gendered effects of parenthood on career outcomes: Do family gaps explain gender differences along the science pipeline?", Women's Studies International Forum, 107, 103002

Article in Scientific journal

Oliveira, Ana; Duarte, Madalena (2024), "Lendas de paixão: uma reflexão sociojurídica sobre as emoções no direito penal", Análise Social, 59, 252

Article in Scientific journal

Oliveira, Ana (2024), "O poder (de) disciplinar: notas sobre o assédio como cavalo de Tróia na regulação jurídico-laboral", Revista Eletrônica Direito e Sociedade - REDES, 12, 2

Article in Scientific journal

Giuliani, Gaia (2024), "Pier Paolo Pasolini and the Decolonizing/Postcolonial Subaltern: for a Postcolonial Critique", Cinema e Storia, 13, 1, 173-204

Book Chapter

Carlos Marques, José; Góis, Pedro; Pinho, Ana Filipa (2024), Emigração, retorno e desenvolvimento, in Inês Vidigal e Rui Pena Pires (org.), Potencial Económico da Diáspora. Lisboa: Observatório da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, 31-48

Book Chapter

Jacobsen, Stine Marie; Monbaron, Joana (2024), Institutional and Infrastructural Frictions: The Case of Group-Think - An Art, Sport, and Protest Project with Youth, in S. Daugaard, C. Ullerup Schmidt, F. Tygstrup (org.), Infrastructure Aesthetics. Berlin: De Gruyter, 355-370


Pereira, Tiago Santos (2024), Mapeamento da Investigação em Ciências da Saúde em Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique e São Tomé e Príncipe - MAPIS Intercalar - Relatório de Acompanhamento Intercalar, Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Sociais e Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Other Publications

Costa, Bruno (2024), "Entre o desespero, a raiva e a esperança: diário do último ano, por Noura Erakat", BUALA

Other Publications

Schurmans, Fabrice (2024), "Interview Littérature", Science Fiction Magazine , 124, 95-102

Article in Scientific journal


Paper in Conference Proceedings

Pacheco, Cristiano (2024-08-26), "Urban sound: A cultural mapping tool for contextualising perceptions of city spaces" in URBiNAT: Urban Innovative & Inclusive Nature (2018 - 2024) (org.), Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities.: atlantis Press / Springer Nature, 237 244.

Article in Scientific journal

Martins, Catarina (2024), "Die inneren Grenzen der (schein)einheitlichen Nation. Herausforderungen der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften ausgehend von der Literatur Schwarzer Frauen in Deutschland: May Ayim und Sharon Dodua Otoo", Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 54, 4, 827-847


Carvalho, António (2024), Antropoceno(s): Crise Climática, Ontologia e o Social. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
DOI Open Access

Book Chapter

Hespanha, Pedro (2024), Para uma reforma estrutural do Estado-providência, in Boaventura de Sousa Santos (org.), Estado e Sociedade em Portugal (1974-2024). Nos cinquenta anos do 25 de Abril. Coimbra: Edições 70, 463-484

Book Chapter

Costa, Bruno (2024), Tantura: entre o trauma, o testemunho e o luto, in SOS Racismo (org.), Caderno MICAR 2024. Lisboa: SOS Racismo, 110-123


Fontes, Fernando; Nogueira, Cláudia (2024), Fundamental rights protection of persons with disabilities living in institutions - Experiences and views of practitioners and persons with disabilities Report 2024 , Portugal, Vienna: Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), 1-38

Book Review

Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2024) critical review to Nicolai Petro (2023), The Tragedy of Ukraine. What Classical Greek Tragedy Can Teach Us About Conflict Resolution, Berlin: De Gruyter, 285, in Europe-Asia Studies, 1149-1151

Book Chapter

Nascimento, Daniela; Sousa, Inês (2024), Turning Voices into Alarms: Rescuing Forced Migrants in the Mediterranean Through Alternative Narratives as a Form of Political Action, in Novais, R.A., Arcila Calderón, C. (org.), Representations of Refugees, Migrants, and Displaced People as the 'Other'. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 219-232

Article in Scientific journal

Branco, Patrícia (2024), "What's emotion got to do with it? Reflections on the buildings of the Portuguese (Family) Courts", Frontiers in Sociology, 9