Book Chapter

Kinnvall, Catarina; Singh, Amit (2024), Enforcing and Resisting Hindutva: Popular Culture, the COVID-19 Crisis and Fantasy Narratives of Motherhood and Pseudoscience in India, in MDPI (org.), Narratives of Resistance in Everyday Lives and the Covid Crisis. Basel: Molly Andrews Paul Nesbitt-Larking Kesi Mahen, 49-65


Special Issue

Poizat, Germain; Perrin, Nicolas; Renault de Barros, Letícia Maria; San Martin, Julia (2024), "PERSPECTIVE(S) ENACTIVE(S) EN SCIENCES DE L'ÉDUCATION ET DE LA FORMATION" thematic number of "Intellectica", 80

Other Publications

Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento (2024), "A quem servem os pedidos de desculpa? Algumas notas a propósito do aniversário do Massacre de Batepá", InfoTrauma , 16.

Other Publications

Silva, Antonio Carlos (2024), "Em tempos de guerras são as vidas bens supremos?", A Tarde , 38289, A3

Article in Scientific journal

Gouveia Junior, Luis (2024), "Defining Peace: A content analysis of Brazil's, China's, and the European Union's discourses on the Ukraine War", The Rest: Journal of Politics and Development, 14, 1, 6-22


Singh, Amit (2024), AN APPROACAH TO HINDUTVA IN INDIA. Varanasi, India: Bharati Prakashan

Article in Scientific journal

Fernández Lopera, Cristian Camilo; Mendes, José Manuel; Barata, Eduardo Jorge; Trejo-Rangel, Miguel Angel (2024), "Community and governmental perspectives on climate disaster risk finance instruments in Colombia", Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal

Article in Scientific journal

Estanque, Elísio; Barbosa, Agnaldo; Vannuchi, Maria Lúcia; Marques Mendes, Alexandre (2024), "Precariedade e racialidade: experiências de trabalho no Brasil e em Portugal", Caderno CRH - UFBA, 2º vol. 2024, 38

Article in Scientific journal

Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Seabra-Santos, Maria; Relvão, Joana; Pimentel, Mariana; Homem, Tatiana; Azevedo, Andreia Fernandes; Moura-Ramos, Mariana (2024), "Implementation in the "real world" of an evidence-based social and emotional learning program for teachers: effects on children social, emotional, behavioral and problem solving skills", Frontiers in Psychology, 14

Working Paper

Melo, Ana Teixeira de; Renault, Leticia (2024), "Complexigraphy: Theoretical Foundations And Methodological Challenges Of Mapping Complex Thinking", OSF Preprints

Article in Scientific journal

Monbaron, Joana (2024), "Spatial Divisions of Labor. The Case of Education in European Art Museums and Institutions", Da Investigação às Práticas: Estudos de Natureza Educacional, 14, 2, e-369

Other Publications

Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2024), "O desdém de Navalny", Público

Article in Scientific journal

Zalis, Lior Zisman; Lima, Conceição de Maria Teixeira; Ahlert, Martina (2024), "Enfrentamentos e dispersões: agência, força e ação política no Terecô de Codó (MA)", ACENO - Revista de Antropologia do Centro-Oeste, 10, 24, 219-236

Working Paper

Araújo, Marta (2024), "Raça, Diversidade e Diferença: Alguns Apontamentos para o Estudo Interdisciplinar da História Pública e Escolar", Oficina do CES, 465, 23 pp.
Open Access

Other Publications

Silva, Antonio Carlos; Cavalcanti, Vanessa (2024), "As asas do desejo", A Tarde , 38276, A3

Book Chapter

Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2024), Urban regeneration and minority women, in Ana Margarida Esteves; Thomas Henfrey; Luciane Lucas dos Santos and Leonardo Leal (org.), Solidarity Economy: alternative spaces, power and politics. New York: Routledge, 73-89

Book Review

Ramalho, Maria Irene (2024) critical review to Alberto Pimenta (2024), They'll never be the same, Lisboa: Saguão, in Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias

Book Chapter

Ramalho, Maria Irene (2024), What Is Peripheral about Peripheral Modernisms?, in Katia Pizzi & Roberta Gefter Woodrich (org.), Rethinking Peripheral Modernisms. London: Palgrave, 43-57

Other Publications

Garraio, Júlia (2024), "Feministas, o vosso silêncio é cúmplice", Público

Other Publications

Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Desconstruindo a "transição energética" do "capitalismo verde"", Outras Economias , 2