Article in Scientific journal

Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Cavalcanti, Vanessa; Tavares, Marcia Santana (2021), "Economias Feministas em Tempo Presente - Entrevista com Luciane Lucas dos Santos", Revista Feminismos, 9, 1, 317-330
Open Access


Special Issue

Jarochinski Silva, João Carlos; Góis, Pedro (2021), "Os venezuelanos entre a migração e o exílio. Tendências e estratégias." thematic number of "Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais - RBHCS", vol 13 .nº 26

Book Chapter

Guilherme, Maria Manuela (2021), How critical has intercultural learning and teaching become? A diachronic and synchronic view of "critical cultural awareness" in language education, in Intercultural Competence Past, Present and Future - Respecting the Past, Problems in the Present and Forging the Future (org.), Intercultural Competence Past, Present and Future - Respecting the Past, Problems in the Present and Forging the Future. Singapore: Springer, (pp. 185-208)

Article in Scientific journal

Ramalho, Maria Irene (2021), "Da rosa e do corpo. Maria Velho da Costa e a poesia", Colóquio/Letras, nº 206, 84-87

Other Publications

Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento (2021), "A história e protagonistas da música afro-portuguesa", Newsletter Memoirs , 123.

Other Publications

Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento (2021), "The history and the protagonists of Afro-Portuguese music", Newsletter Memoirs , 123.

Book Chapter

Góis, Pedro; Marques, José Carlos (2021), Portuguese intra-EU migration. The dynamics of an ongoing migration process, in Anastasia Bermudez & Laura Oso (org.), New Trends in Intra-European Union Mobilities: Beyond Socio-Economic and Political Factors. London: Routledge, 39-59

Article in Scientific journal

Moura, Tatiana; Fernandez, Marta; Souza, Isabela; Gil, Andrea (2021), "Reimaginando os contornos de gênero: intervenções artísticas no campo das masculinidades", ex aequo, 43, 69-84
DOI Open Access

Article in Scientific journal

Magalhães, Alex; Pereira, Flavia; Oliveira Filho, João Telmo; Caldas da Silveira, Lara; Souza, Mayara; KOSCHINSKI, Patrícia (2021), "A luta contra as remoções durante e depois do COVID-19: um panorama a partir das proposições legislativas estaduais", Revista Brasileira de Direito Urbanístico - RBDU, 6, 10, 69-90

Special Issue

Magalhães, Alex; Moura, Tatiana (2021), "Periferias urbanas: transformações e ressignificações" thematic number of "e-cadernos CES", 35

Book Chapter

Teixeira, Ana Margarida; Lopes, Paula Duarte (2021), The Contribution of Tourism to Peacebuilding Processes. The Case of African Peace Parks, in Jorge Tavares da Silva, Zélia Breda, Fabio Carbone (org.), Role and Impact of Tourism in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation. IGI Global, 87-107

Article in Scientific journal

Réquio, Pedro (2021), "Vladimir Maiakovski, o estado soviético e o teatro da subversão", Todas as Musas, Ano 12, 2, 125-131


Martins, Vasco (2021), Colonialism, Ethnicity and War in Angola. Londres: Routledge

Book Chapter

Dores, Hugo Gonçalves (2021), Creating Catholics and Portuguese: the educational and civilizing role of Catholic missions in the Portuguese imperial project, in Jairzinho Lopes Pereira (org.), Missions of the Empire. The Church-State Relations in the European Colonial Empire (19th-20th centuries),. Londres: Palgrave Macmillan

Special Issue

Moura, Tatiana; Alonso, Bakea (2021), "FEMINIST DIALOGUES ON MASCULINITIES: experiences, challenges and prospects" thematic number of "ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres", 43

Article in Scientific journal

Pinho, Ana Filipa; Góis, Pedro; Marques, José Carlos (2021), "Ficar ou voltar? Intenções de regresso entre portugueses emigrados a partir do ano 2000", Análise Social, LVI, 238, 4-29
DOI Open Access

Book Chapter

Góis, Pedro; Marques, José (2021), Is talent divide a proper form with which to characterize contemporary migration flows? Evidence from the Portuguese emigration within the European Union, in Francesca Fauri, Debora Mantovani, and Donatella Strangio (org.), Economic and Social Perspectives on European Migration. London & New York: Routledge, 34-56

Book Chapter

Santos, Sofia José (2021), New Technologies Impact on Conflicts, in Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (org.), Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer International Publishing, 1-11

Book Chapter

Vieira, Patrícia (2021), Olive Tree - Olea Europaea, in Patrícia Vieira, Monica Gagliano and John Ryan (org.), The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal intelligence. Santa Fe: Synergetic Press, 267-77


Caldeira, Isabel; Canelo, Maria José; Cholant, Gonçalo (2021), Reinventar o Social: movimentos e narrativas de resistência nas Américas [Reinventing the Social: Movements and Narratives of Resistance in the Americas]. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
DOI Open Access