Book Chapter

Caiado, André (2018), Reconfiguração do «Dia da Raça» e das Forças Armadas portuguesas (1963), in Miguel Cardina e Bruno Sena Martins (org.), As voltas do passado: a guerra colonial e as lutas de libertação. Lisboa: Tinta da China, 121-127


Article in Scientific journal

Nascimento, Daniela (2018), "Peace Processes and the Role of Spoilers: A Critical Assessment", International Peacekeeping, 1-3

Book Chapter

Garraio, Júlia (2018), Speaking for the Voiceless? Luanda in Angolan Literature about the Civil War's Refugees, in Doris Wieser e Ana Filipa Prata (org.), Cities of the Lusophone World: Literature, Culture and Urban Transformations. Oxford: Peter Lang, 157-176

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Góis, Pedro (2018-05-31), "Polarizing the contemporary diasporas: between tradition and advanced modernity. The associations and other social networks of recent Portuguese migrants" in International Organisation of Migration (org.), Diasporas in modern world: regional context and potential for sustainable development of the country of origin. Chisinau, Moldova: IOM, 209-221.

Article in Scientific journal

Solovova, Olga; Santos, Joana Vieira; Veríssimo, Joaquim (2018), "Publish in English or perish in Portuguese: Struggles and constraints on the semiperiphery", Publications, 6, 2, 25
DOI Open Access


Freire, Maria Raquel (2018), Conflict and Security in the Former Soviet Union: The Role of the OSCE [2003]. Revivals Series. London: Routledge

Article in Scientific journal

Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate (2018), "Archivos disonantes, traducciones fallidas", Contraportada, 3, 64-83
Open Access

Article in Scientific journal

Simão, Licínia (2018), "European Foreign Policy Challenges in the South Caucasus: the Limits of a Normative-Based Geopolitics", Debater a Europa, 18, 85-102
DOI Open Access

Book Chapter

Silva, Patrícia (2018), "Fernando Pessoa's 'The Mad Fiddler': Sensationism in English", in Patricio Ferrari (org.), Inside the Mask: The English Poetry of Fernando Pessoa. Brown University Press: Gávea-Brown, 96-111

Book Chapter

Simão, Licínia (2018), The European Union's New Eastern Partnership Policy, in Kornely Kakachia, Stefen Meister, Benjamin Fricke (org.), Geopolitics and Security. A new strategy for the South Caucasus. Berlim/Tbilisi: German Council on Foreign Relations, 18-44

Article in Scientific journal

Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento (2018), "Descolonizar a fantasmagoria. Uma reflexão a partir do "Massacre de 1953" em São Tomé e Príncipe", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 115, 29-50.
DOI Open Access

Book Review

Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2018) critical review to Adeeb Khalid (2016), Making Uzbekistan: nation, empire, and revolution in the early USSR, in Nationalities Papers

Book Review

Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2018) critical review to Nick Megoran (2017), Nationalism in Central Asia: a biography of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan boundary, in Nationalities Papers

Article in Scientific journal

Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2018), "Spirituality and anti-Western rhetoric in Uzbekistan in the early 2000s: the consequences of international misrecognition", Post-Soviet Affairs, 34, 4, 228-245


Proglio, Gabriele; Odasso, Laura (orgs.) (2018), Border Lampedusa. Springer International Publishing

Article in Scientific journal

Proglio, Gabriele (2018), "Is the Mediterranean a White Italian-European Sea? The multiplication of borders in the production of historical subjectivity", Interventions, 20, 3, 406-427

Article in Scientific journal

Proglio, Gabriele (2018), "Silences and voices of mediterranean crossings: (inter)subjectivity and empathy as research practice", Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica, 3, 7, 67-79
DOI Open Access

Article in Scientific journal

Freire, Maria Raquel (2018), "The quest for status: how the interplay of power, ideas, and regime security shapes Russia's policy in the post-Soviet space", International Politics

Book Chapter

Ferreira, Verónica (2018), Criação do Movimento Nacional Feminino (1961), in Miguel Cardina e Bruno Sena Martins (org.), A​s voltas do passado: a ​g​uerra ​c​olonial e as ​l​utas de libertação​. Lisboa: Edições Tinta-da-china, 89-95

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Cardoso, Katia; Monteiro, Eurídice (2018-04), "Um arquipélago à deriva? Controvérsias sobre as relações externas de Cabo Verde e as eventuais derivações europeístas, africanistas ou atlantistas ." in Tiago Castela (org.), Escalas e Espaços IX Edição do Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos - Volume III.: CESContexto Debates, nº 20, 131-148.