Special Issue

Dievenkorn, Sabine; Toldy, Teresa (2018), ""Translation. Transgression. Transformation"" thematic number of "Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research", 25


Paper in Conference Proceedings

Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "When the domestic is also political: redistribution by women from the South. A feminist approach." in EMES (org.), EMES Conference Selected Papers.: EMES, 1-11.
Open Access

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Democracia Local, Poder e Legitimidade: uma perspectiva sobre as eleições de suku de 2016 e as novas articulações entre as comunidades locais e o estado" in Peter Job, Alarico Costa Ximenes, Nuno Canas Mendes, Mica Barreto Soares, Sara Niner e Therese Tam (org.), Pesquisa Foun kona-ba/Novas Pesquisas sobre/ New Research on / Penelitian baru tentang Timor-Leste 2017. Melbourne: TLSA, volume I: 113-120.

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Feijó, Rui (2018), "O Fim do "Sindrome do Palácio Errado"? As implicações da eleição de Lu-Olo para a Presidência da República" in Peter Job, Antero B. da Silva, Alarico Costa Ximenes, Mica Barreto Soares, Nuno Canas Mendes, Sara Niner e Therese Tam (org.), Pesquisa Foun kona-ba/Novas Pesquisas sobre/ New Research on / Penelitian baru tentang Timor-Leste 2017. Melbourne: TLSA, vol I: 121-127.

Other Publications

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Portugal: on the presidential use of veto powers", Presidential Powers (blog)

Other Publications

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Portugal: the memoirs of a president", Presidential Powers (blog)

Article in Scientific journal

Gusmano, Beatrice (2018), "The Kintsugi Art of Care: Unraveling Consent in Ethical Non-Monogamies", Sociological Research Online, Online first, 136078041881610
DOI Open Access

Other Publications

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timor-Lese after the legislative elections: cohabitation in sight", Presidential Powers (blog)

Article in Scientific journal

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timor-Lest in 2017: between a diplomatic victory and the return of "belligerent democracy"", Asian Survey, 58, 1, 206-212

Other Publications

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timor-Leste: "belligerent democracy" at work", Presidential Powers (blog)

Article in Scientific journal

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timor-Leste: democracy under stress", Asia Dialogue

Other Publications

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timor-Leste: te president dissolves the assembly", Presidential Powers (blog)

Other Publications

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timor-Leste: the tug-of-war continues", Presidential Powers (blog)

Book Chapter

Pérez Navarro, Pablo (2018), Biocriminality and the Borders of Public Order, in José Miranda Justo, Paulo Alexandre Lima, Fernando M. F. Silva (org.), Questioning the Oneness of Philosophy. Lisbon: Centre for Philosophy University of Lisbon, 203-215
Open Access

Special Issue

Santos, Ana Cristina; Henrique Lopes, Fábio; Vieira de Carvalho, Marina (2018), "LGBTTQI: histórias, memórias e resistências" thematic number of "TransVersos - Revista de História", 14

Article in Scientific journal

Santos, Ana Cristina (2018), "Luta LGBTQ em Portugal: Duas décadas de histórias, memórias e resistências", Revista TransVersos, 14, 36-51
DOI Open Access

Article in Scientific journal

Caeiro, Pedro; Carvalho, Carolina (2018), "Recognition of Foreign Penal Judgments", Oxford Bibliographies in International Law.

Article in Scientific journal

Santos, Ana Cristina (2018), "Repronormativity and its Others: Queering Parental Love in Times of Culturally Compulsory Reproduction", Analize - Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies, 11, 199-215
Open Access

Article in Scientific journal

José Atiles-Osoria, (2018), "Colonial State Crimes and the CARICOM Mobilization for Reparation and Justice", State Crime Journal, 7, 2, 349

Article in Scientific journal

Estanque, Elísio; Costa, Hermes Augusto; Fonseca, Dora; Santos, Andreia (2018), "Digitalização e precariedade laboral: novos desafios para o sindicalismo e os movimentos sociais no contexto português.", Século XXI - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 8, 2, 589
DOI Open Access