The Coronavirus in Kids (Covkid) Tracking and Education Project

CES (com)vida 2020

The Coronavirus in Kids (Covkid) Tracking and Education Project

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Thinking through complex webs of potency


Thinking through complex webs of potency

Barbara Gerke

Medicine Anhropology Theory

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A Internet de tudo… tudo ou nada na educação

CES (com)vida 2020

A Internet de tudo… tudo ou nada na educação

Paulo Peixoto


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Religions and public space in times of pandemic

Conversas com o mundo

Religions and public space in times of pandemic

Tiago Pires Marques

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Programme - 360 | «Efeitos COVID-19 na Economia»

CES (com)vida 2020

Programme - 360 | «Efeitos COVID-19 na Economia»

José Reis


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Para o futuro começar

CES (com)vida 2020

Para o futuro começar

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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Guilhotina #68

CES (com)vida 2020

Guilhotina #68

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Le Monde Diplomatique | Brasil

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New Zealand eliminates COVID-19


New Zealand eliminates COVID-19

The Lancet

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COVID-19 in Brazil: «So what?»


COVID-19 in Brazil: «So what?»

The Lancet

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Estamos preparados?

CES (com)vida 2020

Estamos preparados?

Manuel Carvalho da Silva

Jornal de Notícias

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Economia política para pessoas comuns: perguntas e respostas da educação à economia

CES (com)vida 2020

Economia política para pessoas comuns: perguntas e respostas da educação à economia

Rui Gomes


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Animais à Mesa: zoonoses e estratégias no consumo de carne


Animais à Mesa: zoonoses e estratégias no consumo de carne

Elsa Frazão Mateus

Instituto de Ciências Sociais | Universidade de Lisboa

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The Pandemic is a Portal

CES (com)vida 2020

The Pandemic is a Portal

Arundhati Roy

Financial Times

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Vulnerable New World

Conversas com o mundo

Vulnerable New World

Hermes Augusto Costa

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Covid-19: CES/UC researcher argues that reframing civic participation is imperative for the reconstruction of the “new normal”

CES (com)vida 2020

Covid-19: CES/UC researcher argues that reframing civic participation is imperative for the reconstruction of the “new normal”

Giovanni Allegretti

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O vírus é a mensagem

CES (com)vida 2020

O vírus é a mensagem

Pedro Góis

Ponto SJ

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A Time to Save the Sick and Rescue the Planet

CES (com)vida 2020

A Time to Save the Sick and Rescue the Planet

António Guterres

The New York Times

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Sexual justice and gender in exceptional times: impacts of the pandemic on LGBTQI + people

Conversas com o mundo

Sexual justice and gender in exceptional times: impacts of the pandemic on LGBTQI + people

Ana Cristina Santos

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Um novo capítulo

CES (com)vida 2020

Um novo capítulo

Elísio Estanque


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Stop Looking on the Bright Side: We’ll Be Screwed By the Pandemic for Years to Come

CES (com)vida 2020

Stop Looking on the Bright Side: We’ll Be Screwed By the Pandemic for Years to Come

John F. Harris


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