DECO Proteste Survey

DECO Proteste Survey

José Reis


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We're desperate for a coronavirus cure, but at what cost to the human guinea pigs?

We're desperate for a coronavirus cure, but at what cost to the human guinea pigs?

Kenan Malik

The Guardian

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COVID-19: An open letter from African intellectuals to Africa’s leaders 

COVID-19: An open letter from African intellectuals to Africa’s leaders 

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Design in the age of pandemics

Design in the age of pandemics

Diana Budds


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What Would Boccaccio Say About COVID-19?

What Would Boccaccio Say About COVID-19?

Paula Findlen

Boston Review

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«A Covid-19 dá-nos uma oportunidade»

«A Covid-19 dá-nos uma oportunidade»

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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Covid-19 | Capitalismo incapacitou governos de responder à emergência sanitária

Covid-19 | Capitalismo incapacitou governos de responder à emergência sanitária

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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Os problemas na Educação

Os problemas na Educação

Ana Benavente

Paulo Peixoto

Rui Machado Gomes


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Interview to Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Interview to Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Jornalistas Livres

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Vergonha seria ignorar o 25 de Abril

Vergonha seria ignorar o 25 de Abril

Elísio Estanque


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2009 Mexico Swine Flu – 2020 Italy Covid19: How I Experienced A Double Quarantine

2009 Mexico Swine Flu – 2020 Italy Covid19: How I Experienced A Double Quarantine

Sara Salvatori

Medical Anthropology at UCL

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OSIRIS | Observatory of Risk opens space for people's views and stories on the COVID-19 pandemic 

OSIRIS | Observatory of Risk opens space for people's views and stories on the COVID-19 pandemic 

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A luta contra o vírus da precariedade laboral em tempos da pandemia da COVID-19 em Call e Contact Centers em Portugal

A luta contra o vírus da precariedade laboral em tempos da pandemia da COVID-19 em Call e Contact Centers em Portugal

Isabel Roque

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Knowing Pandemics: An Investigation into the Enactment of Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in Urban Environments

Knowing Pandemics: An Investigation into the Enactment of Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in Urban Environments

Meike Wolf

Science & Technology Studies

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COVID-19: The Deadly Polio Epidemic and Why it Matters for Coronavirus

COVID-19: The Deadly Polio Epidemic and Why it Matters for Coronavirus

Carl Kurlander

Consortium News

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SURVEY | Study of the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in adults living in Portugal<br />

SURVEY | Study of the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in adults living in Portugal

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O cultural no mundo que há-de vir

O cultural no mundo que há-de vir

António Pinto Ribeiro


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Spain Needs Social Solidarity as Well as Social Distancing

Spain Needs Social Solidarity as Well as Social Distancing

Carlos Delclós


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Sair de casa sem bater a porta: o mundo em videochamadas

Sair de casa sem bater a porta: o mundo em videochamadas

Paulo Peixoto

Público [P3]

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«Una pandemia desafía la manera en que las sociedades se organizan»

«Una pandemia desafía la manera en que las sociedades se organizan»

Naomar Almeida Filho

Página 12

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