The rise of the far-right and the political economy of the European Union <span id="edit_26792"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_26792').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=26792" ); });</script></span>


The rise of the far-right and the political economy of the European Union 

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

João Rodrigues

January 8, 2020, 16h00

Keynes Hall, Faculty of Economics - UC

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Collaborative methodological practices<span id="edit_25383"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25383').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25383" ); });</script></span>

Workshop | Roda de Saberes

Collaborative methodological practices

December 16, 2019, 14h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

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Recent developments in financialised semi-peripheries<span id="edit_26373"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_26373').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=26373" ); });</script></span>


Recent developments in financialised semi-peripheries

December 5, 2019, 10h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

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The Troika’s effect on the social state in southern europe and national responses to the challenge<span id="edit_26886"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_26886').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=26886" ); });</script></span>

International Conference

The Troika’s effect on the social state in southern europe and national responses to the challenge

November 11, 2019, 09h30

Auditorium, Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (CIUL)

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Ethical Challenges <span id="edit_26869"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_26869').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=26869" ); });</script></span>


Ethical Challenges 

November 7, 2019, 15h30

Room 8, CES | Alta

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Economic Science in  Portugal<span id="edit_25434"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25434').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25434" ); });</script></span>

RECON Project Period-End Closing Colloquium

Economic Science in  Portugal

November 7 and 8, 2019, 10h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

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Opening Lecture of the Interdiscipllinary Doctoral Programme in Political Economy<span id="edit_26406"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_26406').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=26406" ); });</script></span>


Opening Lecture of the Interdiscipllinary Doctoral Programme in Political Economy

Ana Costa

Ben Fine

September 16, 2019, 17h00

ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon)

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Risk in communities with social and environmental vulnerability<span id="edit_26179"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_26179').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=26179" ); });</script></span>


Risk in communities with social and environmental vulnerability

João Alcione Sganderla Figueiredo (Universidade Feevale)

September 6, 2019, 18h00

Seminar Room (Floor 2), CES | Sofia

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Approaches to material and visual culture in cultural studies<span id="edit_25028"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25028').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25028" ); });</script></span>

Workshop | Roda de Saberes

Approaches to material and visual culture in cultural studies

June 5, 2019, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

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Economy: what are you talking about? The complexity of the Brazilian context<span id="edit_25303"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25303').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25303" ); });</script></span>

I Series

Economy: what are you talking about? The complexity of the Brazilian context

Ricardo Amorim

Tiago Oliveira

4, 11, 18 e 25 de junho de 2019, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

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International finance and accumulation of fictitious capital over national capitalist class formation. A reflection from the reality of Mozambique<br />
	 <br />
	 <span id="edit_24086"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_24086').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=24086" ); });</script></span>


International finance and accumulation of fictitious capital over national capitalist class formation. A reflection from the reality of Mozambique

Carlos Castel-Branco (ISEG/CEsA)

May 29, 2019, 16h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

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Experiences in Research/intervention and research/creating in the field of health <span id="edit_25155"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25155').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25155" ); });</script></span>


Experiences in Research/intervention and research/creating in the field of health 

Raquel Siqueira-Silva (Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia)

May 10, 2019, 09h30

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics UC

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Social Innovation and the Role of the State<span id="edit_23638"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_23638').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=23638" ); });</script></span>

International workshop

Social Innovation and the Role of the State

May 9, 2019, 14h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

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«Cancro Sobre Papel: estórias de oito mulheres portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita» by Susana de Noronha<span id="edit_25027"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25027').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25027" ); });</script></span>

Book presentation

«Cancro Sobre Papel: estórias de oito mulheres portuguesas entre palavra falada, arte e ciência escrita» by Susana de Noronha

May 4, 2019, 17h00

Almedina Estádio Cidade de Coimbra >> Presented by Maria Paula Meneses (CES)

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«PER#2 - Ensaiar a Arte e Ciência para religar natureza e cultura». Editors: Alison Neilson and José Eduardo Silva<span id="edit_25043"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_25043').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=25043" ); });</script></span>

Book presentation

«PER#2 - Ensaiar a Arte e Ciência para religar natureza e cultura». Editors: Alison Neilson and José Eduardo Silva

May 3, 2019, 18h00

Glass Room, Carlos Alberto Theatre (Oporto)

Visual methodologies<span id="edit_24099"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_24099').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=24099" ); });</script></span>

Workhop | Roda de Saberes

Visual methodologies

May 2, 2019, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

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Participatory democracy and the justice system: the case of the Public Defender of São Paulo - Brazil<span id="edit_24094"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_24094').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=24094" ); });</script></span>


Participatory democracy and the justice system: the case of the Public Defender of São Paulo - Brazil

Maurício Buosi Lemes (FDRP/USP)

March 25, 2019, 14h30

Room 2, CES | Alta

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Technology and labour: controversies of past and present<span id="edit_23873"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_23873').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=23873" ); });</script></span>


Technology and labour: controversies of past and present

Helena Jerónimo

José Castro Caldas

Pedro Duarte

March 20, 2019, 17h30

Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa - CIUL

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António Sérgio revisited fifty years later: Economy and Society <span id="edit_21645"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_21645').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=21645" ); });</script></span>


António Sérgio revisited fifty years later: Economy and Society 

February 28, 2019, 09h30

Casa da Escrita (Coimbra)

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Democracia, desenvolvimento, desigualdade<span id="edit_19778"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_19778').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=19778" ); });</script></span>

2nd Annual Meeting of Political Economy

Democracia, desenvolvimento, desigualdade

February 1 and 2, 2019

Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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