The IV International Colloquium of PhD students of CES aims to promote critical dialogue in a interdisciplinary environment within the PhD researchers of the Centre and with researchers from other national and international institutions, looking for value and disseminate ongoing research projects.
In this edition , Coimbra C: Dialoguing with the Times and Places (s) World (s), we propose to reflect and discuss on the importance of time and space issues in the production of knowledge in the world(s).
'We live in harsh times', became an expression which is difficult to refute. But which temporalities are we talking about, and which places? What complexities lie in those times and places? How can we act upon the time we live in?
Living the time expresses a set of imaginaries, rationalities and experiences that are built in different places by different people who are also in increased mobility, constituting different places from which is produced knowledge committed to the worlds.
If Western Renaissance societies valued the Greco-Roman ancestry, the Western modernity of European expansion, with its subsequent colonialism, looked at the past as something to overcome against the Enlightenment ideals of Progress, Science, Reason and Technique, creating with it divisions between people and societies. In modern European capitalist world system, the time integrated an order of regulation and control to establish economic, political and symbolic relations of domination / exploitation, redefining and accelerating the relationships that people assume with the space through, for example, the recreation of dichotomies work / leisure, urban / rural, public / private.
Inhabiting the space also means living in contemporary territories with porous borders, increasingly experienced in their transcultural and transnational dimensions. The complexity of these societal dynamics, which underlies the mobility of people, brings the need to rethink the relationship between nations, territories, cultures and identities. The legal impediments to the free movement of people and goods are materialized, for example, through the construction of 'security walls' against illegal immigration or through nativist language policies aimed at controlling the diffusion of cultural diversity in a space imagined as homogeneous. In this sense, space is seen as a cultural, economic, political and historical production that results from continuous tensions between heritages and changes, past and projects, inclusions and exclusions – a process that produces both places and subjects.
In this perspective, reflecting on the ways we relate to the times and places (at the individual and collective levels) may probably reveal the ways people think about the world, which results crucial to the critique of the unique model of Time that Western modernity has made hegemonic. It is necessary to identify the various forces of unequal power - either oppressive or emancipatory - that build, legitimize and transform the thoughts and / or the actions. Thinking on the idea of time means necessarily thinking of (lived) history and memory, in the plural and heterogeneous dimensions through which we interpret the past, present and future, and how we live the space (or spaces), which undermines both the linear nature of time as the Western universality of its scale.
The time has thus praxeological, contextual, ontological and political dimensions, and synthesizes discontinuity, rhythm, rupture and crises, appropriations and reinventions, something important to consider when one wants to share knowledge in order to act in the different worlds in which we live. To what extent can we be emancipated in relation to Time?
Accepting this challenging proposition we invite PhD students and other researchers of national and international institutions to submit proposals for papers that reflect critically on the following topics:
1. Citizenship and narratives of development: participations and impositions
2. Cities, cultures and sustainabilities: policies and publics
3. Law (s), Justice (s) and Democracy (ies): Violences, representations and transformations
4. Gender, families and sexualities: models and experiences
5. Governance, Public Policy and Social Innovation: from 'crisis' to alternatives
6. Literature, Science and Images: between practices and representations
7. Research Methodologies: reflexivity, tools and impacts
8. Migration: tensions between State of law and the subjectivities
9. Heritage, Arts and Architectures: Memories and transformation
10. Sociocultural, political and economic pluralisms: social movements, emancipatory social struggles and the modern state
11. Post-colonialisms: colonial relations, processes of domination and resistance
12. International Relations and their contexts: between theory (ies) and history (ies)
13. Territoriality and Property: nature, private domain and collective management
14. Labour and Social Inequalities: conflicts and fragilities
The event will take place at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (Portugal) on 6-7 December 2013.
The submission of proposals has been extended until the 15th of September and is closed. The applicants will be notified of the decision. Considering the large number of proposals received, the decision will be notified until October 15 instead of September 30 (deadline initially announced).
After the event there will be a selection of abstracts for publication in the journal Cabo dos Trabalhos. The selected papers must be delivered by 30 December 2013.