Nuestro Equipo
José Pureza
Coordinador del proyecto
Investigador del CES y Profesor Titular en la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Coimbra, donde es el coordinador científico del Programa de Doctorado de Derechos Humanos en Sociedades Contemporáneas. Tiene una larga experiencia y conocimiento en Derechos Humanos y Derechos fundamentales. Además del ámbito académico, también tiene una extensa experiencia en formación, especialmente en derechos humanos y derechos fundamentales.
Conceição Gomes
Investigadora sénior
Coordinadora Ejecutiva del Observatorio Permanente de la Justicia Portuguesa (OPJ) y de la Unión de Formación Legal y Judicial (UNIFOJ), con una larga experiencia en continuos y avanzados programas de formación; implementando guías formativas y organizando programas formativos (formaciones continuas, cursos de corta duración y cursos de especialización) para diferentes actores jurídicos.
Philip Langbroek
Project coordinator
Professor Philip Langbroek is director of the Montaigne Centre for Justice and Conflict Resolution of Utrecht University. Next to that he is managing editor of the International Journal for Court Administration and co-director of the EGPA studygroup on Justice and Court Administration. He is also member of the editorial board of Utrecht Law Review, and of the Justizforschung Series of Stämpfli Verlag in Bern, Switzerland.Trained in public administration and law, he has taught Dutch administrative law and public administration for many years and published widely on administrative law, ombudsmen and on justice and court administration.
Bas van Bockel
Senior researcher
Bas van Bockel is an assistant professor of EU law at Utrecht University and Visiting Professor at Universita Ca' Foscari (Venice, Italy). His areas of specialization include substantive EU law (EU competition law, the Single Market, and EU criminal law) and EU protection of fundamental rights. Amongst other things, he was formerly Head of the MA European Union Studies at Leiden University (the Netherlands); Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy); and Visiting Professor of EU law at Saarland University (Germany).
Manon Julicher
Junior researcher
Manon Julicher is a lecturer and junior-researcher at the Utrecht University School of Law. She is specialized in administrative and constitutional law. She also attained a master’s degree in philosophy (ethics and philosophy of human rights).
Agueda Mera
Communications coordinator at the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia, where she has implemented dissemination campaigns for human rights training, advocacy and research projects. She holds a BA in Journalism and a masters degree in International Relations.
Anaïs Franquesa
Criminal lawyer specialised on human rights, stragegic litigation, advocacy and social movements. Member of IDHC and Managing Director of Irídia, Center for Human Rights. BA in Law and a master degree about the psychosocial impact in cases of torture and ill-treatment.
Anna Palacios
Managing director at the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia, BA in Humanities and masters degrees in Development Cooperation and in Human Rights and Democratisation. She has worked in the field of human rights in the Middle East, the Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe with the UN and different NGOs.
David Bondia Garcia
Doctor of law and Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Barcelona. He is also guest lecturer at several universities in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, founding member of the "Réseau Méditerranéen de Formation et Recherche en Droits de l'Homme" and the president of the Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya. His main lines of research are the emerging human rights and the national and international protection of human rights. In this last area, his participation in the drafting of the European Charter for the Safeguarding of Human Rights in the City and other advisory work in municipal ombudsmen is particularly noteworthy.
Jaume Saura
Deputy Ombudsman of Catalonia. Professor of International Law at the University of Barcelona (on leave). His researched has focused on human rights, armed conflicts and international organizations, among others. He has been twice visiting professor at Loyola Law School (Los Angeles). He has served as Deputy Dean of the Law School (UB) and general coordinator of its PhD program, as well as in several international electoral missions. Former president of the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia.
June Orenga
Human Rights Training Program Coordinator at the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia, BA in Psychology and masters degree in International Cooperation and Human Rights, Democracy and Globalization. She has been working in the field of human rights in Latin America and Europe with the UNESCO and different NGOs.