Programme and objectives
This Summer School will function as an active social laboratory where scholars and students would seek answers through the emergent struggles. By interrogating people, and through them, about their ideas and projects that seek to challenge the world; this summer course aims to broaden critically, the discussions and perspectives, in the spirit of exchange and mutual aid. The special significance laid herein will be on narratives, reflective of diversity within the epistemologies of the South thus enhancing ecology of knowledges.
Epistemological Imaginarium – This space-moment aims to broaden the epistemological dialogues in a context where art melt with tastes to broaden the political imagination, and meets rebel creativity. The idea which is thus promoted is to challenge the dominant perspective through the subversive creativities. Dancers, cooks, and other artists will inspire the members of the Summer School to dream collectively and explore the unsettling alchemy of arts and social justice. One of the features included herein will be to observe the nuances of Intercultural Translation via different styles of art and art - forms.
Furthermore, one may experience the manifestation of the same theme through Individual vis-à-vis collective forms of practices of arts. Subsequently, as an enriching learning experience, we are led into bridging the gap between the learner and the teacher creating more effectively a liaison between the two, necessitating the need for a more open, free and mutual exchange of diverse practices in much-diverse forms.
Tea to Coffee and back: these are moments for more informal discussions.
Insight: the documentary cinema sessions aim to give body to the discussions, putting into perspective the events and peoples.
Guided academic tours (decolonial routes) to several monuments and regions are also part of the programme, aiming to broaden the platform for interaction among students participating in the summer course.
The intensive course will be structured around three core themes:
1. Study of the reasons which led (and still lead) to multiple episodes of epistemicide, to the destruction of knowledges produced in the world that contradicted and continues to contradict the goals of domination of capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy;
2. Deepening the conceptual framework of an epistemologically diverse world through the recognition of other epistemologies, made possible by two key methdological procedures: the ecology of knowledges and intercultural translation;
3. The paths of the reinvention of social emancipation and construction of a subaltern cosmopolitanism from epistemological innovations mentioned in the previous paragraphs.
Registered participants will receive, at least a month in advance, the reading materials for the seminars. Classes, taught in English, will be conducted during the morning and afternoon. They will include both lectures and intensive seminars. Active student participation is encouraged and faculty will have office hours to meet individually with students. Space and time for students’ self-organized group work and discussions will be provided.
To access the complete programme please click here.